PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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China had to spell out what Liaoning was doing.
Today, the Eastern Theater Command launched the "Joint Sword-2024B" exercise. Multiple types of advanced fighters, including fighter jets and bombers of the Eastern Theater Air Force, rushed across the strait and approached. Through the linkage of the ship-aircraft system and multi-channel encirclement, they quickly seized comprehensive control of the battlefield. Multiple types of fighters are organized into combat groups to build an air superiority combat system, open up air assault corridors, quickly seize regional control, support and cover bombers flying through the Bashi Strait to the open sea, and conduct coordinated strike drills.
Looks like it might be a multi day operation.

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LNG tanker turned back. Meltdown on PTT. Wanwanese panicking :p



Examples I found on PTT:
跑屁喔 怕啥 近來又不會真的打掉 中共就演演習而已 不要怕好不好 快點把船開進來 不要超時了 請中共服延後的錢 有沒有掛
吵架有時候就是吵個氣勢! 北韓準備好隨時開火 然後南韓直接嗆 只要敢開火就是自取滅亡 啊我們的敵人都把台灣包圍了 結果國防部不痛不癢的嚴厲譴責? 這樣不是給對岸的人笑嗎? 反正也不敢真打 至少吵嘴的氣勢要贏人家吧! 勇敢的台灣人 拎供丢姆銩!
台灣已經和平太久了,結果問題卻越來越多.... 世界上的先進國家都是都是靠著高風險和衝突來的 歐洲美國為了互相爭奪資源,促使了工業化革命,他們的薪水和社會福利也比其他地方高 美蘇為了爭奪世界霸權,促進太空競賽、軍備競賽,還有最重要的晶片發展 反觀那些自詡「和平、沒侵略」的國家,多半經濟發展都比較差 像是中國,還有印度等等,現在社會問題多和人民生活普遍還是很糟.... 台灣目前最大的問題就是房物價居高不下,生育率在世界上倒數第一或第二 這種情況下去只會讓社會負擔越來越重 沒人發現台灣現在需要的是一場戰爭嗎?
時代在進步 火車會走鐵支路 都有空中加油機了 有個海上加氣管線也沒啥 大家都知道戰爭天然氣進不來 難不成黨的人都不知道嗎? 當然早就提前布局了秘密海上加氣管線之類的 說不定早就卸好準備再去裝載了 我們只要相信黨 不聽謠 不信謠 不傳謠 中共邪惡勢力必然無法藉由能源手段打擊政府
Other thread titles:
[問卦] 中國軍演 是在轉移自身經濟很爛
[爆卦] 中油關於LNG的聲明明顯烏龍 被認知戰了
Can't tell if these are actually secret agents or real wanwan netizens.

US state dept:
The United States is seriously concerned by the People’s Liberation Army joint military drills in the Taiwan Strait and around Taiwan. The PRC response with military provocations to a routine annual speech is unwarranted and risks escalation.

We call on the PRC to act with restraint and to avoid any further actions that may undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the broader region, which is essential to regional peace and prosperity and a matter of international concern. We continue to monitor PRC activities and coordinate with allies and partners regarding our shared concerns.

The United States remains committed to its longstanding one China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiqués, and the Six Assurances.​

*concern intensifies*​

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Took the Wanwanese a few hours to get it up. I'm sure the PLA would have finished by then already.

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Future award for agent Lai.
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Meanwhile, when Emperor Wen asked Gao for tactics in preparing to conquer Chen, Gao suggested harassing Chen's border regions in two ways: sending troops on exercise without actually attacking, to cause Chen's farmers to be on alert and unable to farm and causing Chen's guards to be down when an actual attack would come; and to send spies to burn Chen's border farmlands. Emperor Wen agreed, and these tactics helped damage Chen's resistance capabilities.