PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
Looking at the conflicts in Ukraine and US-Houthi strikes, I'm starting to feel a little anxious about a Taiwan scenario. In Ukraine, Russia did not have success in initial airstrikes targeting Ukrainian military infrastructure. Similarly, US strikes on Houthi missiles sites has had limited success. Why is it so hard to destroy enemy missile and radar sites in the early stages of a conflict? It wouldn't be surprising if China run into similar problems in a Taiwan scenario.



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Russia lacked enough timely satellite reconnaissance to confirm targets, and accurate satnav to hit them. I doubt China would have the same problem with that. On the other hand, Russia had a huge amount of cruise missiles, and thus far I haven't seen evidence of China having the same. But who knows.

Another problem is that in Taiwan there are airbases inside mountains and things like that. So that would require bombs large enough to close those airbases.
IDK about existing stockpiles but here's an article that says there's a cruise missile plant with nominal production rate of 1000 per day.

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The Philippines is USELESS MILITARILY and YOU should know this since you've also lived in that archipelago (if my assumption is correct). I also know people that serve in that country's military past and present. The training, arming, investments in infrastructures and logistical training required for a supposed battle against China do not exist. And if the money or whatever money the PH military get, most of it gets VACUUMED by the VERY CORRUPT MILITARY LEADERS/General officers depriving its military from that investment. I have never been impressed with that country's military or its achievement past, present, and future. If past indicators and history are the basis of future outcome then the PHIL usefulness in a potential god awful war in ASIA they will simply be as good as dead.

As for India, they are doing what they do best: TRYING TO BECOME A PLAYER IN THE WORLD STAGE AND UPSTAGE CHINA whenever possible and feasible.
The Phil Army is a glorify Police , its navy can't even handle the Chinese Coast Guard or to add some dignity its latest ship BRP Jose Rizal and BRP Antonio Luna is a match for the original Typer56 corvette even though the 2 ships hadn't have any air The Airforce is pure Air without any force behind it as we lack fighter planes and inadequate air defense. So it is a liability to the US as they have to stretch their already thin resources further.

This is my take, if there is a war the MAIN THEATER of operation will be in the Second Island chain focusing on Guam. The Chinese will take the fight to the enemy, it will be a Mano en Mano, those peripheries are a side show meaning they will provide lip services not the actual fighting, they have their owned interest to look after and are leveraging, even the AUSSIE Chihuahua will do the same. if there is a coalition of the willing there is an axis of resistance opposing it. What can SK do as NK is just a border away, Japan? they're so scare of the Russian that they pee on their pants thinking about them. The Philippine? just send the Coast Guard and implement a blockade and see the country begging for terms as the SCS is a Chinese lake. Australia? they are so scare of the Indonesian (10 to 1 ratio in term of population, 278 million vs 27 million) that any military asset send to join the US will weaken their resolve what more if the Chinese destroy them. What about Taiwan, the DPP knows the US will be the one deciding and from the looks of things the US don't want a war. All of these grandstanding is a kabuki show, the American know any loses will be the end of PAX Americana especially as the Chinese can retaliate and hit back hard, like any bully, they don't want to get hurt and lost his status and prestige, he is more afraid of his minions leaving than the enemy, heck the US will negotiate a resolution rather than losing its hold on his vassal.
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Junior Member
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That second pic, the green is a ROC fishing boat.

View attachment 125565

ROCCGA are saying their captains are authorized to open fire with cannon should they be threated by mainland.

Well, if worse comes to worse, I personally think it's still a few years too early in terms of optimal timing for reintegrating Taiwan into China proper, but it's probably an acceptable timing for reunification, with the US overstretched on multiple fronts and NATO ammunition depleted.