PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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Looking back at this thread:
lol, there is reason PLA doesn't have any other oversea bases. It has no ability to defend them.

At this point. it's best bet is to find forward operating bases in Myanmar and Cambodia to allow it to support actions closer to Australia and Indian Ocean. Those would be places within their defendable sphere.
Fking lmaoo you got it arse backwards.

China doesn't have overseas bases because it doesn't need them, hence no security plan for them. They've never displayed any interest in cosplaying as world police, which is resource draining and pointless. China's only interest lies in its growth through trade with friendly nations which is what the BRI initiative is for.
Both of your points are accurate, actually - China neither has the ability to defend them, nor does China has the intention to operate military bases (that are on a significant scale) so far away from home.

Despite this, I think it is prudent for China to figure out what she wants for her national security and integrity for the years and decades to come - With and without Taiwan being reunified. Even for a relatively benign superpower (except in the eyes of the US-led West, of course), China too needs her own space (i.e. strategic depth) extending from her coastlines - And not having her populous coastal cities being pressed all the time like they are right now (and has been for the past 180+ years).

That means China should to look to extend her frontier forwards (like the US does in Europe and East Asia), all while not overextending herself (like the US does all across the world). This would require the construction of military bases, or at the very least, military installations and stations around the Western Pacific and Eastern Indian oceans in the future, in my opinion.

(Military installations and stations refer to the likes of the military station on the Coco Islands of Myanmar, which is alleged to be used by the PLA to monitor Indian Navy movements in the Eastern Indian Ocean, plus around the Andaman and Nicobarn Islands.)
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View attachment 105050

Looking back at this thread:

Both of your points are accurate, actually - China neither has the ability to defend them, nor does China has the intention to operate military bases (that are on a significant scale) so far away from home.

Despite this, I think it is prudent for China to figure out what she wants for her national security and integrity for the years and decades to come - With and without Taiwan being reunified. Even for a relatively benign superpower (except in the eyes of the US-led West, of course), China too needs her own space (i.e. strategic depth) extending from her coastlines - And not having her populous coastal cities being pressed all the time like they are right now (and has been for the past 180+ years).

That means China should to look to extend her frontier forwards (like the US does in Europe and East Asia), all while not overextending herself (like the US does all across the world). This would require the construction of military bases, or at the very least, military installations and stations around the Western Pacific and Eastern Indian oceans in the future, in my opinion.

(Military installations and stations refer to the likes of the military station on the Coco Islands of Myanmar, which is alleged to be used by the PLA to monitor Indian Navy movements in the Eastern Indian Ocean, plus around the Andaman and Nicobarn Islands.)
PLAN could use Guam if you know what I mean. Diego Garcia looks good too.


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Of course that's your contention. You're a taiwan strait crisis tourist. You just finished some Cold War ASW fiction, Tom Clancy prob'ly, and so naturally that's what you believe until next month when you get to Ian Easton and get convinced that there will be a million man swim across the strait without any preparation.

That'll last until sometime in your second year, then you'll be in here regurgitating moses_the_red about the backwardness of the....
(Well, as a matter of fact, I won't, because moses_the_red drastically underestimates the capability of--)


"...moses_the_red drastically underestimates the capability of the PLAN/PLAAF to generate 'salivating' salvos of precision fires, especially with PHL-16..." You got that from "@PLAOpsOsint," from Twitter, right? Do you have any thoughts of your own on the subject or were you just gonna plagiarize the whole OSINT community for me?
Well played haha! Some korean dude got triggered on twitter by this rofl

Addendum: Your acc is like the economist ver. of PLAOpsOsint

Addendum+: Only funnier kek
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Junior Member
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lol, there is reason PLA doesn't have any other oversea bases. It has no ability to defend them.

At this point. it's best bet is to find forward operating bases in Myanmar and Cambodia to allow it to support actions closer to Australia and Indian Ocean. Those would be places within their defendable sphere.

Another great place is Gwadar port in Pakistan !!


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regarding the CSIS simulations, they say that US, Japan, and Taiwan will launch thousands of antiship missiles to sink PLAN ships. the harpoon is not scary at all, the LRASM isn't so bad either. anyone think they are being overly optimistic that these missiles will sink a lot of PLAN ships? China has way scarier antiship missiles and can do the same to US forces, launch thousands of them. I'm confident that modern CHinese destroyers can take care of the aging harpoon.

I'm more worried about US subs, chinese anti sub warfare is not as good as the west.


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need thousand of hidden undersea sensors or detectors all over the place. thousands of naval mine missile placed at various locations.

I think swarm naval mine missiles are better than submarine itself if you place it at a good concealed location.

You need very good radar, location sensors to know where your enemy is located at real time.
-AI unmanned machines like the loyalman drone or UUV to be your bodyguard
-Cheap Super fast, very long range and anti-decoy missile.


Registered Member
I honestly couldn't understand why some people here would take the threat posed by anti-ship missile swarms against PLAN warships so lightly.

Like, seriously, while advocating that the PLA should overwhelm US warships and US carrier strike groups with large numbers of AShCMs and AShBMs, at the same time not concerned about the US and their allies doing the same in return AT ALL?
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Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
I honestly couldn't understand why some people here would take the threat posed by missile swarms against PLAN warships so lightly.

Like, seriously, while advocating that the PLA should overwhelm US warships and US carrier strike groups with large numbers of AShCMs and AShBMs, at the same time not worried at all about the US and their allies doing the same in return?
How do American ISR get real-time updates on the PLAN ships? All ISR platform (other than satellites) will be discovered and shot down if they get too close.
Missile swarm strategy is not very effective if the B-52’s and B-1b‘s have to launch the missiles blind.