PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


Registered Member
it's unfortunate for "interns" that "experience" can't be bartered for groceries at a store-now this rather silly wargames simulation is at least giving China a pyrrhic victory albeit a loss but better then the Tom Clancy entertaining but rather insultingly infuriating novel"SSN" where one only one US navy SSN -USS Cheyenne IIRC basically annihilates the PLAN in between drinking and whoring in Taiwan while PLAN buys Akula after Akula from Russian 1 billion a piece to be sunk like toy boats.*sigh*
I had the misfortune of reading that some 20 years ago.


Registered Member
But patch, he would be the intern having to do all the work though.

Nowadays, probably we can contract most of this to AI generated articles. If Falun Gong can harness AI, surely anyone can.

Step 1: Come up with authoritative, yet patriotic sounding name, recommendation to use famous American landmarks/geographical features or battles
Bunker Hill Strategic Studies, Rushmore Defense Analysis, Golden Gate Trans-Pacific Research Group

Step 2: Generate AI Reports with all the buzzwords, appropriate adversaries, geographical hotspots, and self soothing conclusions
"Defending Democracy against growing Chinese authoritarianism in the South China Sea"
"Gathering allies in South East Asia as part of a Indo-Pacific Strategy to combat growing Chinese military capabilities"
"Eastern Europe and NATO, partners against Russian military adventurism"
"Flashpoint Taiwan: How America can build a coalition against Xi Jinping and win"
"Combating North Korea and mitigating nuclear risks to support our South Korean partners"

Step 3: ?????
Acutally, real step 3 should be putting out a wordpress site with a appropriate theme and throw some advertising money in for promotion. In the About Us, put a picture of a middle-aged white guy with glasses in a suit as a "China Expert"/"International Relations with a Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region"

Step 4: Profit! (Calling DPP think tank funding ministry!)

After I write all this, I'm actually quite convinced this can generate some kind of revenue, maybe not enough to quit your day job, but probably enough to support an early-stage opioid addiction


Staff member
Super Moderator
Some Indians would disagree with you Patch.

Staying on topic though, what happens to overseas PLA assets during hostilities? I'm not sure the Djibouti base would survive if things went hot.

Djibouti is for supplying anti-piracy/peace keeping missions. It is not really a military base in the sense most people think but a logistics depot.


Registered Member
Would the US not target it for retaliation though? Seems easy pickings if it's not UN-flagged.

I doubt either side is going to fight it out in Djibouti for diplomatic reasons. Unless they want to fight a mini-war in Djibouti and kill thousands of civilians because the US base alongside the France and Japanese is a 25 min drive away from the PLA support base.