PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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I think China needs to develop faster vertical troop transport capability. If this is a tiltrotor like the V-280 Valor or something different remains to be seen. In the late 1960s early 1970s a lot of countries experimented with VTOL aircraft. Most of these projects failed because back then avionics were not sophisticated enough or the designs were too expensive. One example is the Dornier Do 31.
China having something which can traverse the straights quickly and unload troops would increase the amount of possible options. By achieving early surprise it might be possible to capture port facilities early in the conflict and speed up the landing of heavy armored forces and supplies.
imho this is hardly a priority in westpac for PLA


Lieutenant General
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I think China needs to develop faster vertical troop transport capability. If this is a tiltrotor like the V-280 Valor or something different remains to be seen. In the late 1960s early 1970s a lot of countries experimented with VTOL aircraft. Most of these projects failed because back then avionics were not sophisticated enough or the designs were too expensive. One example is the Dornier Do 31.
China having something which can traverse the straights quickly and unload troops would increase the amount of possible options. By achieving early surprise it might be possible to capture port facilities early in the conflict and speed up the landing of heavy armored forces and supplies.

The difference between a Z-20 and a V-280 type aircraft for most of the PLA's missions (whether Taiwan or westpac as a whole) is not that decisive. Helicopter air assaults aren't that worthwhile and too high risk (same for paratrooper drops as well), for the strategic priorities China has.

If anything, the most useful of a V-280 type aircraft would be if it could be converted to an ASW helicopter, rather than as a transport aircraft.


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I am really glad that CSIS 'experts' and 'analysts' are using Youtube video as a source for the capabilities of naval forces of the principal combatants. Are these guys really being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars (big bucks) to sit and watch youtube? Expertise on display right here!

View attachment 104946
Congratulations Mr. Eurasian Nabal[sic] Insight!


Registered Member
In fact, it's even easier! Your interns will do all the work, you just need to maintain a social media presence!
Surely you meant
"let your interns maintain a social media presence for you"

If you have so many interns you might as well as exploit them fully, otherwise what do these old fossils know about social media

Does the intern has a liveable minimum wage?
Interns have wages? No need for a wage when they gain "experience"


Junior Member
Registered Member
Surely you meant
"let your interns maintain a social media presence for you"

If you have so many interns you might as well as exploit them fully, otherwise what do these old fossils know about social media

Interns have wages? No need for a wage when they gain "experience"

it's unfortunate for "interns" that "experience" can't be bartered for groceries at a store-now this rather silly wargames simulation is at least giving China a pyrrhic victory albeit a loss but better then the Tom Clancy entertaining but rather insultingly infuriating novel"SSN" where one only one US navy SSN -USS Cheyenne IIRC basically annihilates the PLAN in between drinking and whoring in Taiwan while PLAN buys Akula after Akula from Russian 1 billion a piece to be sunk like toy boats.*sigh*