I think you raised some good points, but how much of the issues currently facing us china relationship due to actions by china vs the natural interaction between the current de facto power vs the challenger? Obviously, us and uk avoided any type of conflict when America was replacing the British in world order, but that's more the exception rather than the norm. Historically speaking, there has been many conflict between two nations in similar situations like Britain and Germany. Between us and china, there is a clear case of one side feeling disrespected and the other side feeling alarmed. And neither sides have any trust for each other.
I don't think this is an extreme position that I am holding. If you listen to Ian bremmer of geromedia, he has said it multiple times. Us probably has been more responsible of the recent decline in the relationship than china.
As for chinas issues with other countries. How much of that is due to chinas handling of covid and hk situation rather than it's interaction with it's neighbors?
UK and U.S. are culturally linked. They share the same language and many of the same values and customs. China is as culturally and politically distinct from the U.S. as the ancient Celts were from Australian aboriginines.