This is just so very lame. Who would actually look at this photo and think it's cool except 14-year-old boys whose face is covered with zits from raging puberty hormones? One would think the job of military photographers is to help convey a sense of professionalism and instill confidence in China's armed forces, not to make people cringe and adversaries laugh at its amateurism.
Do the PLA and PAP find their photographers through the Chinese equivalent of affirmative action? It's almost as if they rounded up the absolute lowest scorers on cognitive tests (those who still can't tie their shoes), handed them the cheapest cameras they could buy from a shoestring budget, and told them to do whatever they wanted.
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, a country with a per capita GDP of less than $400, they have no trouble finding decent photographers. It's true what they say: money can't buy you taste.
I find it an endearing flaw. If every superheros must have weakness then sucking at photographs is quite an acceptable one to me
This is just so very, very, very lame. Look at all that motion blur. Just why? Who would look at this photo and actually think it's cool except 14-year-old boys whose faces are covered with zits from raging puberty hormones? One would think the job of military photographers is to help convey a sense of professionalism and instill confidence in China's armed forces, not to make people cringe and adversaries laugh at its apparent amateurism.
Do the PLA and PAP find their photographers through the Chinese equivalent of affirmative action? It's almost as if they rounded up the absolute lowest scorers on cognitive tests (those who can't tie their shoes and who squat on western-style toilets), handed them the cheapest cameras they could buy from a shoestring budget, and told them to do whatever they wanted.
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, a country with a per capita GDP of less than $400, they have no trouble finding decent photographers.
Meanwhile in China, military photographers are engaged in an imbecilic contest to capture the funniest facial expressions. It just goes on to show that money can't buy taste, and retardation is without borders.
I'd bet the reason is the same with the reason why the Chinese State Media is so ineffective. For a few times I came across writings of people who had worked for CGTN. According to them there were a lot of restrictions on even word choices. A few 60+ year old bureacrats, who have nothing to do with media otherwise, micromanage everything. This is one of the cases where liberals are right. State micromanagement do cripple China's public reach.This is just so very, very, very lame. Look at all that motion blur. Just why? Who would look at this photo and actually think it's cool except 14-year-old boys whose faces are covered with zits from raging puberty hormones? One would think the job of military photographers is to help convey a sense of professionalism and instill confidence in China's armed forces, not to make people cringe and adversaries laugh at its apparent amateurism.
Do the PLA and PAP find their photographers through the Chinese equivalent of affirmative action? It's almost as if they rounded up the absolute lowest scorers on cognitive tests (those who can't tie their shoes and who squat on western-style toilets), handed them the cheapest cameras they could buy from a shoestring budget, and told them to do whatever they wanted.
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, a country with a per capita GDP of less than $400, they have no trouble finding decent photographers.
Meanwhile in China, military photographers are engaged in an imbecilic contest to capture the funniest facial expressions. It just goes on to show that money can't buy taste, and retardation is without borders.
The people's liberation army care's fuck all about looking cool nor are these expressions for pose, The Military photographers don't tell them anything they just go around and take pictures without acknowledging the soldiers while they are minding their own business doing the daily routines of unnecessary shit but honors the tradition.This is just so very, very, very lame. Look at all that motion blur. Just why? Who would look at this photo and actually think it's cool except 14-year-old boys whose faces are covered with zits from raging puberty hormones? One would think the job of military photographers is to help convey a sense of professionalism and instill confidence in China's armed forces, not to make people cringe and adversaries laugh at its apparent amateurism.
Do the PLA and PAP find their photographers through the Chinese equivalent of affirmative action? It's almost as if they rounded up the absolute lowest scorers on cognitive tests (those who can't tie their shoes and who squat on western-style toilets), handed them the cheapest cameras they could buy from a shoestring budget, and told them to do whatever they wanted.
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, a country with a per capita GDP of less than $400, they have no trouble finding decent photographers.
Meanwhile in China, military photographers are engaged in an imbecilic contest to capture the funniest facial expressions. It just goes on to show that money can't buy taste, and retardation is without borders.
If the PLA doesn't care about the photos' quality, which means they don't care about the pictures at all, then why do they hire photographers to begin with? Why don't they just let some random private take those pictures instead?The people's liberation army care's fuck all about looking cool nor are these expressions for pose, The Military photographers don't tell them anything they just go around and take pictures without acknowledging the soldiers while they are minding their own business doing the daily routines of unnecessary shit but honors the tradition.
This isn't some beauty pageants pussy contest for the military on who's better at taking tacticool photos while looking good. All and all if you are concerned over how you look and behave in those images then you shouldn't be a soldier to start with.
Its much more admirable to see the confidence to express themselves instead of hiding behind masks posing like wannabe top secret cocoon shit.