PLA Small arms


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If the PLA doesn't care about the photos' quality, which means they don't care about the pictures at all, then why do they hire photographers to begin with? Why don't they just let some random private take those pictures instead?

The people's liberation army care's fuck all about looking cool nor are these expressions for pose, The Military photographers don't tell them anything they just go around and take pictures without acknowledging the soldiers while they are minding their own business doing the daily routines of unnecessary shit but honors the tradition.

This isn't some beauty pageants pussy contest for the military on who's better at taking tacticool photos while looking good. All and all if you are concerned over how you look and behave in those images then you shouldn't be a soldier to start with.

Its much more admirable to see the confidence to express themselves instead of hiding behind masks posing like wannabe top secret cocoon shit.

All of the photos are meant for domestic audience for the most part , meaning that is the type of the photo an 60 years old bureaucrat think how the image of an heroic soldier is suppose to look like.
And the bureaucrat would be correct to assume that most of the domestic audience likes some action shots wit The Rock (1996) music in them , the cinematic language for the PLA is stuck in the late 90s , because that the "cool movies" they know.


The people's liberation army care's fuck all about looking cool nor are these expressions for pose, The Military photographers don't tell them anything they just go around and take pictures without acknowledging the soldiers while they are minding their own business doing the daily routines of unnecessary shit but honors the tradition.

This isn't some beauty pageants pussy contest for the military on who's better at taking tacticool photos while looking good. All and all if you are concerned over how you look and behave in those images then you shouldn't be a soldier to start with.

Its much more admirable to see the confidence to express themselves instead of hiding behind masks posing like wannabe top secret cocoon shit.

Really? Then why keep official photographers on their payroll and continue to churn out many photos on a daily basis and widely disseminate them if they don't care about the propaganda value of photography?

And just how do you know PLA photographers portray their subjects in a naturalistic manner without giving them instructions? I certainly hope that's not the case. If the photos tell the true state of PLAGF training and tactics, then I'm sure the Chinese can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag because their basic infantry tactics are laughably bad, on par with the
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on Saipan and Guadalcanal.

It's clear to me or anyone with eyes that the photograph in question was the work of an utterly retarded photographer –– or a peon working under strict guidelines from higher ranked blockheads –– who staged the entire scene with that signature imbecilic motion blur in order to evoke desired emtional response from the target audience, who are made up entirely of prepubescent boys, country bumpkins, glue sniffers, booger eaters, and fellow dunces, cretins, village idiots, nincompoops, door knobs, bellends, meatheads, nitwits, and ignoramuses.

In other words, when it comes to official military propaganda work, the PLA is competing with the Indian military to be the lamest on the planet.

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I'd bet the reason is the same with the reason why the Chinese State Media is so ineffective. For a few times I came across writings of people who had worked for CGTN. According to them there were a lot of restrictions on even word choices. A few 60+ year old bureacrats, who have nothing to do with media otherwise, micromanage everything. This is one of the cases where liberals are right. State micromanagement do cripple China's public reach.
This has nothing to do with state micromanagement, but has to do with people not knowing what they are doing being in management. It is something that also plagues western corporations and institutions, so the liberals are not winning here.

Another thing to take in consideration here is cultural difference. The issues being brought up here are not just limited to military photos, but can be found in everything that has to do with artistic design. The threshold of "good" here is very very low. Color palette doesn't even seem to be a thing. One noticeable example is interior design, which often consists of painting everything white and then start adding chrome. If silver chrome isn't enough, then use gold chrome. The end result invokes the feeling of being in a mental institution but it is accepted as "nice".


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If the PLA doesn't care about the photos' quality, which means they don't care about the pictures at all, then why do they hire photographers to begin with? Why don't they just let some random private take those pictures instead?
Because that's not their roles they train and instruct soldiers they don't take images of Soldiers like they are some sort of model.

America was familiar with this for years they had priorities back then during world war 2 and that was to look good during training in order to look appealing to citizens of America it made it easier that way to get recruits since then it only has evolved.

Unlike China they are not familiar with this nor do they care about it, it's all more likely because they don't glorify war or make it look beautiful, that's why there's weird angles, stern expressions and so on forth however there is some Irony in it considering they have weird flowers for their guns like it's some Christmas gift, ridiculous superman complex where they can do everything that does not include war or training possibly to promote that peaceful part of their nation.

Despite that they despise that try to " make war look cool and encouraging " nor do they brag about how great a it is which you can obviously tell. If you are looking for people influenced by western culture you can find plenty just don't look at images taken in the military publicly instead images taken privately by soldiers or their buddies.

And note China is a massive country with tons of different regions, this could make a big problem that is inconsistency that span across their regions.

Some are better and some are worse, this has been proven by the fact many of the regions still rocks old firearms and equipment so who's to say photographers can't be inconsistent as well.


All of the photos are meant for domestic audience for the most part , meaning that is the type of the photo an 60 years old bureaucrat think how the image of an heroic soldier is suppose to look like.
And the bureaucrat would be correct to assume that most of the domestic audience likes some action shots wit The Rock (1996) music in them , the cinematic language for the PLA is stuck in the late 90s , because that the "cool movies" they know.
If only you lot know how hard Chinese gripe about this, to the point it's common knowledge that those photographers should either be send to Russia for proper education, or just use all them lot for target practice instead.

As such, it's common that for the same photographed subject, you can count on foreign photographers to get the job done, while the official photographers failed every single time.


Junior Member
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If only you lot know how hard Chinese gripe about this, to the point it's common knowledge that those photographers should either be send to Russia for proper education, or just use all them lot for target practice instead.

As such, it's common that for the same photographed subject, you can count on foreign photographers to get the job done, while the official photographers failed every single time.

What? You're telling me you don't enjoy those hard af pics of spec ops guys with an army knife between their teeth?