PLA Small arms


Junior Member
The way of holding a bull-pup rifle/smg looks weird to me. Where is the center of gravity of the gun? Look at that female soldier, she almost hold only one point of the gun like she's holding a pistol. Would it be less stable when she fire it?

She's a pretty girl used in a propaganda shoot. Don't expect her to be high speed low drag.

Closing one eye while looking through a holo sight...Pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

The Chinese Type 95 series, and presumably the JS series that is based on it, are exceptionally well balanced, with the centre of gravity lying precisely on the pistol grip when empty.

Good thing that they're never used loaded then.


Lieutenant General
She's a pretty girl used in a propaganda shoot. Don't expect her to be high speed low drag.

Closing one eye while looking through a holo sight...Pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

Good thing that they're never used loaded then.

The only one sprouting propaganda is you.

If you were actually interested in the subject at hand instead of just being out to score some cheap troll points, you might have taken the second or two to actually look at the gun instead of just the girl and realised it has a one-piece iron sight system attached.

Even if you know nothing about Chinese small arms and didn't recognise one of the standard sights for the JS9mm, you could have tried to use your brain and ask yourself what kind of holo sight comes attached to a forward iron sight?

I think it was Prince Charles who said that, it is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to open one's mouth an remove all doubt.

If you have some actual insight or knowledge to share, please by all means. But if all you want to do is take silly, superficial cheap shots, you'll probably find the crowd at yahoo comments section or 4 chan more to your tastes.


Lieutenant General
In this case though its not a fill Type 95 its a submachine carbine operating based on slightly different principles.
That said I don't fault her for having a odd grip. Using the weapon like that may seem unconventional but considering how close the muzzle is to the fore grip its about as good as any place.

I like to think of it like an UZI with shoulder support for steadiness.:p


Junior Member
The only one sprouting propaganda is you.

If you were actually interested in the subject at hand instead of just being out to score some cheap troll points, you might have taken the second or two to actually look at the gun instead of just the girl and realised it has a one-piece iron sight system attached.

Even if you know nothing about Chinese small arms and didn't recognise one of the standard sights for the JS9mm, you could have tried to use your brain and ask yourself what kind of holo sight comes attached to a forward iron sight?

I think it was Prince Charles who said that, it is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to open one's mouth an remove all doubt.

If you have some actual insight or knowledge to share, please by all means. But if all you want to do is take silly, superficial cheap shots, you'll probably find the crowd at yahoo comments section or 4 chan more to your tastes.

But why you mad tho? Fair enough, the white tape(?) on the rear sight threw me off. But I'm SURE that she's a highly trained tier one operator that's ready to kick down doors and raid terror safe houses. I mean, just look at those hands, with hands like those, she probably spends 80% of her time in the field operating on operations operationally.

No propaganda here. No Sir. Just your regular rough neck door kicker. No posing for photos. No Sir.


Lieutenant General
But why you mad tho? Fair enough, the white tape(?) on the rear sight threw me off. But I'm SURE that she's a highly trained tier one operator that's ready to kick down doors and raid terror safe houses. I mean, just look at those hands, with hands like those, she probably spends 80% of her time in the field operating on operations operationally.

No propaganda here. No Sir. Just your regular rough neck door kicker. No posing for photos. No Sir.

The most precious commodity any of use will ever have is time.

Each of use only have a finite amount of it that cannot be bought back for any price.

I'm not mad, just annoyed your are wasting everyone's time.

The only thing I have to say to your shallow and borderline sexist mark is the odd adage, don't just a book by its cover. But I suspect I'm just wasting my time here.


Lieutenant General
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But why you mad tho? Fair enough, the white tape(?) on the rear sight threw me off. But I'm SURE that she's a highly trained tier one operator that's ready to kick down doors and raid terror safe houses. I mean, just look at those hands, with hands like those, she probably spends 80% of her time in the field operating on operations operationally.

No propaganda here. No Sir. Just your regular rough neck door kicker. No posing for photos. No Sir.

It's probably a PR shoot, but then again aren't all photoshoots for the military PR?

The problem is automatically seeking something to lambast, not to mention the slight tinge of sexism in your post. So yeah, there's your answer.

The only difference between PR and propaganda is how well it's executed. I don't think any of us are under illusions that many PLA photoshoots and videos are overwrought and stylized but that reflects on the silliness of their PR department or CCTV, rather than the competency of the soldiers themselves.
Just for the record, I don't think this particular photo is overwrought. It's literally a female soldier with a pdw in hand.
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Junior Member
God, did you bothered to read the posts before wolf here started his personal attack? Steel bird asked why is this female soldier holding her weapon in a way that is contrary to good marksmanship principles? I answered, don't look too much into it, she's probably not a door kicker and this is likely a PR shoot. Then the personal attacks started. Is your PLA so precious that it can bear no criticism?


Junior Member
As for her hands. I've served. Have you? If you have you'll know what soldiers hands look like. And these manicured hands are not it. How is that sexist?


God, did you bothered to read the posts before wolf here started his personal attack? Steel bird asked why is this female soldier holding her weapon in a way that is contrary to good marksmanship principles? I answered, don't look too much into it, she's probably not a door kicker and this is likely a PR shoot. Then the personal attacks started. Is your PLA so precious that it can bear no criticism?

You called her a "pretty girl in a propaganda shoot", when she is showing like 4 square inches of her face. That's a pretty sexist remark, IMO.