PLA Small arms


Tyrant King
if you goes to the retailer who got the proper export license in the US or elsewhere. Police won't interfere cosplay event or matches that runs proper and in orderly fashion. Idiots who brandish their stuff in public deserves to be arrested, simple as that.
In The PRC yes as many Asian Countries don't add any regulation to the look of the airsoft gun. Here in the Us and a number of other nations a Bright orange tip has to be present on the muzzle of the Airsoft gun to be imported. in the hopes of preventing a accidental miss-identification.
A few years back here in the States there was a maniac ( yes I called him that. ) who had a full blatant disregard for the laws intent. US law allows for concealed carry in a large number of places normally the only rule being one of Common sense. which would regulate the weapon down to a pistol class. Now a few US states allow open Carry, Where in a weapon is worn openly. This guy was open Carry in a nature park with a full semi auto AK. the muzzle break on his pistol was modified however in that is was painted to look like a Airsoft muzzle. the Park had it's own rules regarding weapons and the individual in question went about harassing people. His intent was to create a scene and he did. the police arrested him and he was brought to court where he tried to make a political statement. The case was ruled against him as the Judge decided his weapon defied the convention on Common sense and his modification made it even more troubling.
Some locations in the US such as New York city have very strict laws regarding airsoft guns, toys, or replicas that may be mistaken for real guns, similar to Hong Kong, China, and some other countries.

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P.S. they also have very strict laws regarding real guns, just to be clear.


Lieutenant General
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Not sure if posted here yet. Via hongjian, CDF

A much more modern upper rail modification for type 95. I assume it is chinese. Not sure which firm or group modified it though. Hopefully PLA will seriously consider adopting it en masse though.
Resembles the Canadian T97FTU.









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Not sure if posted here yet. Via hongjian, CDF

A much more modern upper rail modification for type 95. I assume it is chinese. Not sure which firm or group modified it though. Hopefully PLA will seriously consider adopting it en masse though.
Resembles the Canadian T97FTU.


Did some fast digging, the company group in question was part of the state-own defence industry before becoming state-owned enterprise. However, from its company website all its subsidiaries are focused more towards on garment, can't find this mod kit anywhere.

Also, while it's close in appearance to the Canadian kit, it's not as radical because it keeps the charging handle, just swap out the upper part.


Lieutenant General
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The pictures seem very recent and seems to be state funded to some degree, so it wouldn't be surprising for it to not feature on its website.

The modification, while conservative compared to the T97 FTU, I think addresses the biggest problem with the type 95 which is its ridiculous rail height.


Not sure if posted here yet. Via hongjian, CDF

A much more modern upper rail modification for type 95. I assume it is chinese. Not sure which firm or group modified it though. Hopefully PLA will seriously consider adopting it en masse though.
Resembles the Canadian T97FTU.

Do I see a can opener below the barrel? It can't be a bayonet because these are generally useless in modern combat and this is even more true on such a short weapon.Or do we go back to my father's service revolver ( just before WWII ) that was so difficult to reload that the instructor said you can fire it six times and throw it once. This would then become a rather awkward javelin.
Btw for those interested: the theory behind that awkward reloading was that the army would save rounds that way.


Tyrant King
@Delft No.
@Kwa No.
Bayonets may be a bit archaic but they are still issued despite what President Obama thinks.
Bayonet fighting is still taught and practiced. Although rare bayonets charges are still trained for and even from a bullpup. The last known bayonet charge was a Scottish regiment of the British Army in Iraq I think around 2003. The bayonets were mounted to SA80 series L85A1 rifles which are also bullpups.
So bayonets still prove their worth. Besides, even when not fixed the bayonet can be a some what useful tool in other tasks and the mount is cheap, rugged and light weight.

The US doesn't import QBZ series weapons, nor would the QBZ be compliant for ATF approval due current "Sporting regulations" the only way to really get a Type 97 would likely be to get someone to license manufacture in the US, However I doubt Norinco would ever say yes to that.
and I doubt it would even sell. T95 is available in Canada though I am not sure if one could buy one and legally cross the boarder with it.