PLA Small arms


Tyrant King
Infantry take and hold territory. they engage the enemy through fire and maneuver.
Artillery prepare the field for infantry.
the lessons of war after war after war is combined arms focusing on any one particular arm to the determent of the others weakens the whole of the force. an assaulting infantry force can silence your guns. they can cut the supply lines that feed them. they can assault the guns themselves.
Artillery has it's uses no doubt. but to say it's the be all end all of a conflict is faulty logic.


Lieutenant General
Artillery is the "King of Battle" because of their mobility and massive fire power quickly. The infantry is the "Queen of Battle" because they are flexible, travel anywhere in any direction capable of killing anything in its way with whatever they're carrying with them. Think chess pieces. What is the one most important piece on the board from either side? Yep, the Queen.


Tyrant King
Yeah hopefully those monstrosities are not going to be mass-produced in any form. BTW have you seen any photos with PLA red dots or lasers mounted on rifles?

I don't know about Lasers But we have seen Swat teams with Eotechs and C more types There is also a Grenade launcher with a swivel mounted mini dot that might be a prototype. The Chinese digital integrated soldier system was shown with a Eotech and a large thermal sight but those are all years old now.


Tyrant King
EOTech surely would not allow itself to be a PLA supplier. Must have been a clone or something?

Well We have seen them on Russian weapons in the Crimea to. as I said though most of the times they showed up on Qbz 95's were Police weapons the closest to the military was likely Digital intigration system mock up inwhich case it was probably being used as a stand in.


EOTech surely would not allow itself to be a PLA supplier. Must have been a clone or something?

It's probably either a PAP or SWAT outfit, who has more flexibility (or leeway) in this thing than the PLA outfit. It's no secret that police department of several large cities in China did purchased imported gear, and where do you think they get Remington M700 series sniper rifles for their shooting competition teams to use?


Junior Member

Seems like Chinese marines are now armed with APS underwater rifles.


Tyrant King

Seems like Chinese marines are now armed with APS underwater rifles.

Nyet, Commrade is Chinese Derivative. Fires 5.8mm rounds brass, but is Is not capable of surface battle it is submersion only compared to the ADS. Also note it has a extended hand guard and different irons.


Junior Member
Nyet, Commrade is Chinese Derivative. Fires 5.8mm rounds brass, but is Is not capable of surface battle it is submersion only compared to the ADS. Also note it has a extended hand guard and different irons.

Thanks for the correction. Since the Chinese derivative loses surface battle ability, does it mean it has better underwater performance compared to APS rifles?
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Tyrant King
No evidence of it. the reasoning the Chinese Changed the caliber is logistics. The APS uses 5.45mm casings The Chinese Don't use 5.45mm. also the Chinese seem to have dropped the Surface engagement requirements by not developing the Surface rounds.
A diver operating the APS has to keep two diffident magazines and ammo types a specialized dart round for diving and a specialized version of the 5.45mm round that can be fired form a smooth bore. really it's more trouble then it's worth. so the Chinese when they translated it just dropped secondary requirement and built the Flechette rounds.
These kinds of weapons are really close range stuff your not engaging much beyond kissing range.
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