Lieutenant General
Looks like an ACOG equivalent. Looks like a fixed 3 power magnification, which is a nice balance between medium range accuracy and utility/speed at close range. 3 power is about where you want to be without needing a backup red dot for close range work or going up to LPVOs.Looking through the new standard issue scope.
Glass looks nice and clear, distortion at the edges would be concerning, but looks to be more a result of the photography rather than optic.
BDC reticle looks decent, I especially like the chevron design as it allows for very precise aiming. But maybe could have used a minimalistic Christmas tree design for longer ranges with windage/movement holdovers plotted. But granted that’s pretty rare for prisms.
Not sure about the illustration, seem a little weak, especially if you want to use it both eyes open at close range. Again maybe down to camera, or maybe individual soldier preference if he taped over more of the fibre optic to reduce the intensity of the illumination. Colour is interesting as it’s gold, rather than the more common red or green. Gold is the newest offering, and is said to be better than the former two, so good to see the PLA actually get ahead of the curve for once with infantry stuff.