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M-20 Missile



Junior Member
on 1991 February 27th, South-west of Basra Iraq Battle of Medina Ridge M1A1 abrams Bumper HQ66 took hist from Two conventional KE or HEAT rounds from a 100 mm gun damage was the 120 mm gunner's primary sight (GPS) damaged and fuel-cell punctured. the Sight replaced next morning. Tank continued in combat. no crew members we hurt.
Like I said, no modern MBT can survive 100mm modern AP shell to the side or rear.


Lieutenant General
In addition, you do realized that the opfor is not going to consist exclusively of Abrams, Leo IIs and Challengers etc right?

100mm with modern HEAT or sabots will ruin any Bradley/Warrior/Stryker's day as thoroughly as any 120/125mm.

Besides, even if the 100mm can't outright killed an enemy MTB, it does not mean that any Abrams that takes a 100mm shell in the face is going to be laughing it off. At a minimum the impact is going to shake the crew for a few seconds/minutes. That could be all the time it needs for your own MBT to pop off the first shot as opposed to the Abrams.

It is a classic mistake to compare only paper values. In WWII, the Russian T34 or American Sherman's main guns could not realiably penetrate the German Tiger's front armor, but they still killed plenty of Tigers all the same.

At the end of the day, if I was in a city fight, I would rather have 100mm guns on my side than no big guns. And if you are fighting enemy infantry, 100mm is as effective as 120/125mm.


FD-2000 Export HQ-9 range confirmed.

7-24km against cruise missiles
7-50km against air-launched ground attack missiles
7-125km against aircrafts
7-25km against PGMs and tactical ballistic missiles




Tyrant King
Post 1016. Look I know that holding a 50 cal makes you feel like a big bad mother ( see pic one) but But Seriously It's ridiculousness. The first shot might hit the broad side of a carrier but after that... Stick too the prone it works better.


Lieutenant General
Post 1016. Look I know that holding a 50 cal makes you feel like a big bad mother ( see pic one) but But Seriously It's ridiculousness. The first shot might hit the broad side of a carrier but after that... Stick too the prone it works better.

Maybe he was checking out the site scope and balance weight of the rifle, but either way it looks bigger than him.:p