PLA Photos & Videos


Lieutenant General


I somehow doubt those guys in the back of the truck would really want to be there if the guy holding the MANPDA actually plans on shooting it.

I really hate staged photos like this and just wish the PLA would start using photographers that have the skill to take authentic pictures and still let them look cool.

---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------

It seems to look more compact partly because the magazine clip for grenades is not there. Maybe they decided that manually loading them is sufficient.

Do you guys think there would be potential to play network-centric with this toy, what with the beidou entering into operation you can have indirect fire with spotters and firers in different positions.

Well, if you look at pictures of the OICW, the stock on that is at least twice as bulky as the PLA one, it has little to do with whether a mag is loaded or not. And I seriously doubt they would want to manually load the automatic grenade launcher, that would defeat the whole point of making it automatic in the first place. Although the positioning of the ejection port for the grenade launcher casings makes it very interesting to see where exactly they will fit the magazine, as it obviously won't go in the pistol grip, but the ejection port is too far forward for the magazine to go much further back.

Bit of a head scratcher. I wish they would just get on with declassifying it so we can get a good look at the thing. Someone mentioned in another thread that these might already be operationally deployed on the ships sent for convoy escort duties in Somalia, so maybe we will get some nice HQ pictures of these new toys when the embedded jouros file their reports.

Although prepare for mass China-threat hysteria from the western press if PLAN SoFs are actually called upon to conduct a live operation and they are photographed with some of these during such an op. I am almost amused to find out which gun they would accuse the Chinese of copying to make this new weapon.


Tyrant King
100mm Cannon not exactly a modern tank killer but not too shabby when it comes too blowing away infantry and semi hardened cover.
Nice, we have seen part of this rifle before, but this is the first time we have managed to get a good look at the layout, and it is very similar to the OICW, with a conventional assault rifle and a overslung bullpump automatic grenade launcher with an integrated site and onboard computer system.

The grenade launcher is far more compact compared to the OICW, which is a big plus. The sights and onboard computer seems more compact as well, but that may just be because they have separated it into two units instead of trying to have both incorporated into the sight as the OICW.

This looks like screencaps from a CCTV programme, so hopefully the full video and at least more/better images should be forthcoming soon.

looks like the buttstock of the FNG-9+G36E shape. Short but looks really nice. The type 95 wasn't ugly neither, and this gun looks pretty good. in fact, even the equipment those 3 duds wore look pretty nice as a set.


Junior Member
100mm Cannon not exactly a modern tank killer but not too shabby when it comes too blowing away infantry and semi hardened cover.

I would consider the 100mm gun would be more than enough to deal with any non-tier-1 MBT-alike kind of threat, which the importing party would not having any chances at first place otherwise. The fact that anyone needs importing heavy gun IFVs means they don't have the potential to confront any true tier-1 mechanized army anyway.

Regarding tank-killing the 2nd tier tanks that flooded the world like T55, M60, (even down-graded T-72)... I think there is a fighting chance.


Tyrant King
Likely just a Mobile gun system, the mechanics of the turret, ammo storage and targeting takes up a lot of room so it's likely only the vehicles crew has space.
@ red sword, I doubt the T72 or M60 would be killed by a 100mm unless it happened too hit a weak spot like the engine.
the t55 and it's generation of tanks are another matter as well as light tanks and APC's there armor is thinner and I doubt up too the calibre.


Junior Member
No modern MBT can survive 100mm modern AP shell to the side or rear. And depending on the turret geometry, the angle from the dead-on front might not be too big for it to be considered a side shot either.