Back in 2013, SOC made a very nice SAM orbat. Since then, I haven't seen a similar document so I am trying to update his document. The above link is just that, his original document with myself using GE images and posts from CDF orbat sections to try and update the list. Most of the data in the document is updated to 2017. I have also tried to add a whole new section, PLA's ground force SAM units. For that I've used the CDF orbat forum, so basically it's stuff by the likes of kcandrew, forbin, raj47 and others. I've just tried to organize the data in a single document.
But i need help. As said, the above document is work in progress, but not only that, I may have made errors. I also may have just omitted a lot of units.
So if anyone can be bothered to look through it, please do. If you spot stuff that should be corrected, tell me so. If you know of additional units, tell me so. Perhaps, with time, we could have a pretty detailed and up to date list...