A very reliable watcher in CDF say :
Yet 2/3 years ago about 5 or more Divisions divided in Brigades , Russians do the opposite have re created about 5 Divisions from Brigades more logic for big Armies all have this structure majority of brigades or Rgts in Divisions and ofc some independent Brigades.
2017.1 Update: The 123rd Mechanized Division is being split up into 2 brigades, 1 is based upon the 369th Mechanized Regiment (see text below), and the other is based upon the 367th Mechanized Regiment. Reportedly the 369th would join the 41st GA's 15th Armored Brigade, and the 367th would form the 123rd Mechanized Brigade.
同叙鱼水情 军地共发展
本报讯(记者 陈可夫)1月18日下午,市委常委、政法委书记文建中率市春节拥军慰问团,带着340多万梧州人民的深情厚谊,来到南部战区陆军驻桂部队白台山英雄团驻地慰问,给子弟兵送上新春问候和祝福,共叙军民鱼水深情。
Yet 2/3 years ago about 5 or more Divisions divided in Brigades , Russians do the opposite have re created about 5 Divisions from Brigades more logic for big Armies all have this structure majority of brigades or Rgts in Divisions and ofc some independent Brigades.