China contribute the largest contingent of UN peace keeping troop,
Last year 2 or 3 soldier die in Mali. It is real brutal war out there and the green troop of China learn the hard way that is no more fun and game, people get hurt. Yeah it is lesson paid in blood I guess the most dangerous attack is rocket and mortar attack. Now they are equipped it with rocket early warning radar
Yes they learn a lot from this assignment see the video where they dug safety room under their barrack, combined with early warning it can save life .From Henri K
After the death of a Chinese blue helmet in South Sudan in May 2016, succumbed to his injuries while his armored vehicle was hit by a rocket that pierced the armor and exploded inside, the Chinese blue helmets recently revised The arrangement of their camp in Mali and the associated protection to prevent incidents of this type from recurring again.
In a news report on Sunday's Chinese-language TV news channel CCTV-7, Chinese peacekeepers have learned that they have built a new protective wall around their camp. An anti-rocket early warning system was also installed.
According to a Chinese military engineer, the system is capable of detecting the departure of rockets at a distance of 10 km, which allows a reaction time between 30 and 40 seconds, very valuable for the peacekeepers to reach Fortified shelters or their combat posts.
Such an early warning system should be composed of several parts - sensors, processing, communication and power modules, and one or more sound and light signaling systems.
And in view of the shape of the machine shown in the reportage as well as the labels affixed above, it is believed to be the sound and light signaling part of the said system, and not the part of the sensors which Is the most interesting.
But even if Chinese military journalists have taken care not to show the entire anti-rocket system, its performance, including the 10-km range, makes one think of a radar developed by the NRIET Institute of the group ECCC.
YLC-48 is a counterbattering radar used to determine the starting point of an enemy artillery fire by calculating the projectile's trajectory. Presented for the first time at the last Zhuhai Air Show in November 2016, this cylindrical radar uses two-dimensional active electronic scanning antennas. It operates in S-band and weighs only 90 kg, which allows it to be transported and deployed easily.
This "individual" reconnaissance radar has a range of 10 km, and is capable of scanning 360 °. It can also be used to detect drones and helicopters within a radius of 25 km.
The YLC-48, the new "individual" counter-battery radar developed by the NRIST Institute.
It is unclear at this time whether the YLC-48 is related to the early anti-rocket alert system that the Chinese peacekeepers have deployed in Mali, but it is the model that seems to be the closest in terms of performance described In the television report.
It should be noted that the same NRIET institute also presented in Zhuhai another long-range counter-battery radar that looks like the
EL / M-2084 from the Israeli anti-rocket system
Iron Dome .
This new Chinese radar, the
SLC-2E , also uses active S-band scanning antennas, and can locate the start of a 155 mm to 60 km gun fire or a 100 km LRM rocket. The entire system, mounted on a mobile platform, can be deployed in 8 minutes.
Like the "small" YLC-48, the SLC-2E can also monitor air targets. According to information from a representative of NRIET in Zhuhai, the system is able to detect a target of a 2 m² SER at a distance of 200 km.