PLA Navy news, pics and videos

Monday at 4:35 PM
Chinese naval escort fleet arrives in France for friendly visit Xinhua| 2017-10-16 19:23:26
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La marine chinoise et la Marine Nationale ont mené un exercice conjoint, qui signe la fin de visite de la flottille chinoise à Toulon.

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The Chinese Navy and the Navy conducted a joint exercise that signs the end of the visit of the Chinese fleet at Toulon.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Horizon is a very attractive design, just a pity there are only two of them...
Initialy planned 4 but want 1 billion €... in more in full European crisis in 2008... so finly the 2 Cassard FFG replaced by the 2 last of the 8 FREMM a AAW variant with a better radar and 16 Aster 30 replace 16 CM " MDCN " for have 4 AAW DDG.
Main mission body guard for the Charles De Gaulle as Ticonderoga for CVN or after 055 for Chinese CV.

Of the European frigates I quite fancy the F100/Hobart class.
The more powerful European with 104 missiles

Merci beaucoup
She is the sister of the Forbin hehe ;) 2 formers French sailors