PLA Navy news, pics and videos


PLAN participates in AMAN-2025 naval exercise.






Registered Member

First Sanya for the SSF, now Qingdao for the NSF. The PLAN is going all-in on a ginormous expansion.

If only Taiwan has been reunited (and the coastlines of Fujian become safe), the ESF would've had their massive naval base at Ningde instead of having to stay around Ningbo and Shanghai. The natural harbors there are absolutely perfect for hosting a naval base that would rival Pearl.
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Qingdao has seen ongoing expansion both for the surface and the (nuclear powered) submarine fleet. Expansion at the first submarine base (aka Jianggezhuang) is more restrained vs Longpo, but the additional berthing is notable nevertheless.

Edit/PS: I do disagree with the suggested (?) layout for new berthing. Some parts already look a bit different and I think its even possible they are going to put another drydock there to the right of the CV berthing, but its wait and see obviously.
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Is PLAN conducting drills near Australia?

According to this news,there is one type 054A(568 Hengyang) one type 055(107 Zunyi) one type 903(887
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Weishanhu) at north-east of Australia

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ADF has revealed that it's monitoring three Chinese warships operating in the Coral Sea north-east of Australia, which is not believed to be related to the incident in the South China Sea.

Defence confirmed the Chinese vessels were the Jiangki-class frigate Hengyang, the Renhai cruiser Zunyi and the Fuchi-class replenishment vessel Weishanhu.
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Junior Member
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Is PLAN conducting drills near Australia?

According to this news,there is one type 054A(568 Hengyang) one type 055(107 Zunyi) one type 903(887
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Weishanhu) at north-east of Australia

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They made it to Coral Sea, interesting. Maybe went through Indonesia after transiting Mindoro Strait and Sulu Sea

Close up and 055 is massive. Around Mindoro Strait / Sulu Sea. Also a 903A and 054A in the distance


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That's nowhere even close to Australia. Only when PLAAF awacs are within sight of australian beaches can they lodge that complaint fairly. Once Fujian can launch aircraft, that should be the first thing that happens. ELINT off the coast of Darwin.