Lieutenant General
I don't remember saying anything about fusion being science fiction in this or any other forum. Please tell your mentally retarded imaginary friend that I think fusion is a likely future source of power and is worth putting research and money into.
In any case, your "example" of Judy Miller is as full of paranoiac conspiracy theory as all of your other paranoiac conspiracy theories that you've spewed onto this forum in the past, including the latest one here about RAND being the US government's mouthpiece, which is not at all related to Judy Miller. Even in the remote chance that all your orgiastic conspiratorial fantasies came true and Judy Miller actually was Bush's mouthpiece, it does absolutely NOTHING to prove that RAND is a US government mouthpiece or that the US government specifically directed RAND to publish this particular report.
My friend said that was over ten years ago and it still burns you.