PLA Navy news, pics and videos

LOL I noticed in Twitter and elsewhere Western fanbois uncomfortable about:

(comes from the vid inside the tweet
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PLA Navy conducts air defense missile assessment in East China Sea)

by now some Western fanbois probably realized what the USN lighter surface force, I mean the LCS Project, had become Nov 15, 2017
Jan 9, 2017
Q: What’s in the near future for LCS? Is that the only deployment scheduled for 2017?

A: That is correct.

Q: You don’t have another LCS deployment scheduled for 2017?

A: No, I don’t think so.

says who?! Vice Admiral Thomas S. Rowden
Commander Naval Surface Force
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in January 8, 2017 Interview: Vice Adm. Tom Rowden, Commander, US Naval Forces
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PORK in San Diego
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and some Western fanbois probably realized what a big deal it was if any Western warship test-fired a missile recently

anyway, here's the press release:
PLA Navy conducts air defense missile assessment in East China Sea
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Nice Promo Video...

Some of clips in that video maybe from 10 years ago or more (not a recent ones)

Anyway it's good video with some clips from China's Navy exercises, even not recent ones.

You are the same individual as "Anonymous Fighter" and link to the same YouTube channel as him. You are also "F-7" on PDF and continue to post these fanboy videos despite repeated warnings not to do so.

Just watched that video.

I think, There is nothing wrong with that video. Only some clips is old enough (maybe from 10 or more years ago).

Why you accuses that video as fanboy video.
Because there is NO indian navy ship in that video?

What's wrong with you.
Be objective
Nov 20, 2017
Dong-Feng AShBM?!
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Il est possible que la force des fusées chinoise ait procédé à un nouveau tir du missile balistique anti-navire, hier, en baie de Bohai. A confirmer.

Translated from French by
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It is possible that the Chinese rockets force conducted a new shot of the ballistic missile anti-ship, yesterday, in the Bay of Bohai. Confirmed.

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Il y a eu trois essais militaires chinois qui ressemblent à ceux de l'ASBM DF-21D, le 5, le 9 et le 13 Décembre. Les zones interdites d'accès correspondantes sont plus ou moins grandes et se situent toutes en baie de Bohai, comme d'habitude.

Translated from French by
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There were three Chinese military tests, which resemble those of the ASBM DF - 21 d, 5, 9 and 13 December. The corresponding prohibited access areas are larger or smaller, and are located in Bohai Bay, as usual.


asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Does anyone know anything about the other 2 x 6,000 ton Ocean going tugs?

1 unit commissioning to NSF 2 more were apparently under construction?
Sunday at 1:52 PM
LOL I noticed in Twitter and elsewhere Western fanbois uncomfortable about:

(comes from the vid inside the tweet
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PLA Navy conducts air defense missile assessment in East China Sea)

by now some Western fanbois probably realized what the USN lighter surface force, I mean the LCS Project, had become Nov 15, 2017

and some Western fanbois probably realized what a big deal it was if any Western warship test-fired a missile recently

anyway, here's the press release:
PLA Navy conducts air defense missile assessment in East China Sea
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and now noticed
« Blue Sword », 40 navires de guerre et HQ-10
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13 décembre 2017
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La marine chinoise a mené, jeudi dernier, un important exercice d’évaluation annuel dans la mer de Chine orientale. Plus de 40 navires de guerre venant de trois grandes flottes chinoises ont concouru ensemble dans des épreuves différentes, parmi lesquelles une a été soulignée spécialement par le journal officiel de l’armée chinoise, à savoir l’emploi des missiles d’autodéfense HQ-10 par les corvettes Type 056 pour intercepter les propres missiles anti-navires chinois YJ-83J.

L’objectif de cet exercice baptisé « Blue Sword Cup » (Coupe de l’épée bleue), selon les officiers du département d’entraînement de l’Etat-major de la marine chinoise, est d’évaluer la capacité des bâtiments à se défendre en mode autonome contre les menaces à basse altitude, que ce soit les missiles anti-navires à vol rasant ou des appareils militaires, et ce sans aucun soutien des données au préalable et sous un « contexte tactique particulier ».

Selon l’article paru le 8 Décembre, c’est la frégate 523 Putian, de classe Type 053H3, qui a ouvert le bail en tirant le premier missile anti-navire. La corvette 509 Huai’an de la flotte de l’Est a ensuite été choisi pour l’intercepter, seul, en tirant à son tour deux missiles HQ-10 l’un après l’autre, à environ une seconde d’intervalle.

Le reportage télévisé de la chaîne militaire chinoise CCTV-7 montre alors que les deux HQ-10 ont fait mouche sur leur cible volant près de la surface de la mer. Les photos publiées par la marine chinoise suggèrent qu’au moins quatre corvettes du même modèle ont aussi procédé aux tirs par la suite, durant lesquels elles devaient évaluer seules le résultat des dégâts et se décider si une autre vague de missiles anti-aériens devrait être lancée.

La question se pose alors sur ce que c’est le dit « contexte tactique » et pourquoi les autres frégates et destroyers chinois, qui ont également participé à l’exercice et pourtant plus versatiles en terme de capacités et de puissance, n’ont pas été mis sous le feu des projeteurs cette fois-ci.

Si on considère les dernières manœuvres de l’armée de l’air et la marine chinoise dans la direction de la mer de Chine orientale en mois de Novembre et Décembre, on remarquera que l’île de Taïwan a été directement ou indirectement concernée. Ensuite, l’exercice « Blue Sword Cup » se focalise non pas sur la projection de forces mais l’auto-défense des bâtiments et des flottilles, menée par les navires d’escorte de petite taille. On peut alors supposer, si ces deux événements sont liés, que la marine chinoise voudrait simuler la protection coordonnée de ses flottes de débarquement par les nouvelles corvettes, une fois que les bâtiments de premier rang seront déployés pour défendre la ligne Anti-Access & Area Denial (A2/AD) contre tous ennemis qui pourraient venir en aide des forces armées taïwanaises.

Cela explique pourquoi les médias institutionnels ont plutôt mis le focus sur ces corvettes Type 056 et leurs manières de coordonner leurs efforts que sur les « gros ».

Bien entendu il s’agit de l’une des hypothèses possibles et d’autres explications sont aussi plausibles, on devrait alors attendre d’autres exercices à venir pour regarder toutes ces manœuvres dans son ensemble.
"The Chinese navy conducted last Thursday an important annual assessment exercise in the East China Sea. More than 40 warships from three major Chinese fleets competed together in different events, one of which was specifically highlighted by the official Chinese military journal, the use of HQ-10 self-defense missiles. by the Type 056 corvettes to intercept the YJ-83J's own Chinese anti-ship missiles.

The objective of this exercise, dubbed "Blue Sword Cup", according to officers from the training department of the Chinese Naval Staff, is to assess the ability of the buildings to defend autonomously against low-level threats, whether anti-aircraft missiles or military aircraft, without any prior support of data and in a "special tactical context".

According to the article published on December 8, it is the 523 Putian frigate, class Type 053H3, which opened the lease by firing the first anti-ship missile. The 509 Huai'an corvette of the Eastern Fleet was then selected to intercept it alone, firing two HQ-10 missiles one after the other, about a second apart.

The Chinese TV channel CCTV-7's televised report shows that the two HQ-10s hit their flying target near the sea surface. The photos published by the Chinese navy suggest that at least four corvettes of the same model also fired afterwards, during which they had to assess the damage result alone and decide whether another wave of anti-aircraft missiles should be launched.

The question then arises as to what is the so-called "tactical context" and why the other Chinese frigates and destroyers, who also participated in the exercise and yet more versatile in terms of capabilities and power, have not been put under the fire of the designers this time.

If we consider the latest maneuvers of the Air Force and the Chinese Navy in the direction of the East China Sea in November and December, we will notice that the island of Taiwan was directly or indirectly concerned. Next, the "Blue Sword Cup" exercise focuses not on the projection of forces but on the self-defense of ships and fleets, conducted by small escort ships. One can then assume, if these two events are related, that the Chinese Navy would simulate the coordinated protection of its landing fleets by the new corvettes, once the first-tier ships are deployed to defend the Anti-Access & Area line. Denial (A2 / AD) against all enemies who could come to the aid of the Taiwanese armed forces.

This explains why institutional media have instead focused on these Type 056 corvettes and their ways of coordinating their efforts only on "big" ones.

Of course this is one of the possible hypotheses and other explanations are also plausible, we should then wait for further exercises to look at all these maneuvers as a whole."