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Iron Man

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Hai Ce 3301 is a Chinese surveying ship owned by the State Oceanic Administration. The past week, it has been operating in waters off Guam.


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Hmmmm. Guam definitely has an EEZ.

Iron Man

Registered Member
I don't think Guan has a real EEZ (200 nmi) so therefore it is 12 nmi instead.
Nope. Guam definitely has a "real" EEZ, which by China's definition of EEZ should result in ships not conducting military operations (such as spying) without permission.
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Senior Member
Nope. Guam definitely has a "real" EEZ, which by China's definition of EEZ should result in ships not conducting military operations (such as spying) without permission.

Russian spy ships operate 19 miles off of Long Island or Norfolk for that matter, so if any China would be better served by following the Russian example.


Lieutenant General
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Russian spy ships operate 19 miles off of Long Island or Norfolk for that matter, so if any China would be better served by following the Russian example.

what iron man is getting at is that China has in the past made actions and announcements that suggest its position is that a nation with its EEZ should be able to deny military/spy ships from operating within it, and thus saying China is being a hypocrite.

Personally I've found the entire EEZ and military/spy ships matter to be a bit simplistic, because what China is more concerned about is the overall strategic positioning of military assets especially relative to population, economic and strategic military centres, the frequency/continuous presence of those assets relative to important centres, and the overall military balance.


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Nope. Guam definitely has a "real" EEZ, which by China's definition of EEZ should result in ships not conducting military operations (such as spying) without permission.[/QUOTE

China didn't say she will refrain from doing so unilaterally while others are doing it.
US is pretty much saying freedom of their fists starts right at the end of China's nose-tip.
There is no point to unilaterally refrain from such behavior unless there is a mutual reciprocity, or a sort of multilateral agreement.