Just saw this article:
Any thoughts?
Its a great example of the PLA's latest opfor training philosophy, whereby they are giving the Blue Army all sorts of advantages, and pretty much making life as hard and unfair as it is possible for the regular Red Army troops (while still giving the Red Army a chance, so its not totally hopeless for them).
The goal is to take them out of their comfort zone, and make them develop innovative tactics and strategies to counter the superior equipment, situational awareness and "luck" of the Blue Army.
That is in stark contrast to western opfor training, which seems far more geared towards simulating "realistic", but distinctly inferior (in equipment at least) opfor.
Basically, the Chinese always assume they will be facing a superior enemy, and their training is geared towards how to beat said superior enemy and/or how to wrestle the advantage from the enemy while at a significant technological disadvantage.
Western forces always assume they will always have, and keep the upper hand, so their training is more focused on how to make the best use of their equipment and resources to maximise results and minimise possible losses.
There are good reasons, grounded the reality, for why the two choose the focus and methods they do, but I favour the Chinese approach overall, because their training philosophy would maximise the chances of winning all kinds of conflicts, but it small scale skirmish, up to and including total war.
The western approach means they are going to be more efficient than the PLA are thumping hopelessly outmatched foes, in the kinds of overwhelmingly one-sided wars the west has become accustomed to fighting.
However, it leaves a big question mark over just how well western forces will be able to adapt and cope if they ever come up against an enemy who has weaponry and technology of a similar level, or even superior to themselves, with the numbers to match.
Totally OT, but that is the main reason why I think China will be able to punch way above its weight if Aliens ever invade.