The British SAS troopers can choose different small arms of their personal choice. Looks like these PLA recon troops may enjoyed the same special privilege.Wonder why the Chinese team chose the small arms mix they did.
The British SAS troopers can choose different small arms of their personal choice. Looks like these PLA recon troops may enjoyed the same special privilege.Wonder why the Chinese team chose the small arms mix they did.
There is a CCTV video reposted on youtube that basically explained the rationale for the issuing of QBZ-03. When folded, 03 is a bit shorter than 95, so it is more comfortable for the paratroopers to jump with. More importantly, 03 has longer sight radius and is more comfortable due to its traditional layout. The differences are probably small, but PLA think the difference it enough to issue QBZ-03 to branches like the paratroopers and border guards, basically any light infantry types that have to rely more on small arms for firepower.
siegecrossbow already did a short translation in the Russias-tank-biathlon thread. If the allegations by the reporters are true, then these supposedly friendly competitions are not very friendly after all with the blatant cheating by changing the rules the last minute in favor of Russia so they could win. That would surely leave teams from other countries in the competitions a bad taste in the mouth when the hosting country don't even pretend to be fair.
This was posted by siegecrossbow in another thread.
"Long story short, Russia is cheating quite a bit in both the Tank Biathlon and the APC competition:
1) Tried to cancel the "floating" competition (something Chinese marines excel at) on the Caspian Sea on the ground of rough weather when the wind was only 2km/h.
2) Removed loading time from consideration because Chinese soldiers were able to reload within 25 seconds.
3) Took a long time to erect the targets for Type-96A teams.
No wonder the champion will be and has always been the Russian team"
See these soldier's faces? P_ssed as hell.
The Chinese won 6 parts of the competition out of 10 and still got placed second. I guess one of the events is driving under the influence of vodka and its weighting is 90%.
See these soldier's faces? P_ssed as hell.
Not sure is this is news, but I have not heard of WS-64 unguided rockets (World's "first shore-to-ship precision-guided weapon system.") or a "shore-based anti-submarine rocket-propelled torpedo" before
But how do these shore-based anti-submarine rocket-propelled torpedo works? You still need ships or ASW planes/helo to detect the subs first right? And if they need other ASW assets to work together to be effective, might as well let the ships and ASW planes carry the rocket-propelled torpedos themselves, then there is no need for shore-based version?