PLA Ground Forces news, pics and videos


New Member
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Even I felt bridging vehicles,

However, I thought such vehicles were not part of Border Defence Regiment
They look identical to the REBS pictured in the Tianshan Mountains with Xinjiang Military Command troops exercising in 2021. Would seem a rational addition to a Border Defence Regiment like the 353rd who may need to contend with water obstacles originating from the Yarlung Zangbo River operationally.


Junior Member
Registered Member
They look identical to the REBS pictured in the Tianshan Mountains with Xinjiang Military Command troops exercising in 2021. Would seem a rational addition to a Border Defence Regiment like the 353rd who may need to contend with water obstacles originating from the Yarlung Zangbo River operationally.
Thanks. The photo's terrain profile also matches that of 353rd Border Defense Regiment


They are expensive for Europeans because they don't produce them in large numbers and they love complicating things, like the Archer extends the barrel and a double door that closes once the barrel is retracted. That system is great but can be made simpler and cheaper and can be made to go faster, too. All the PLA had to do was take the turret of the PLZ-05 and place it on a truck. This would have made for a design that shares almost all its parts with other products, introducing next to no new complexities to the supply chain and cutting development costs greatly. It would also have reduced training cost and time, and the number of the crew would have been reduced, and most importantly, it would have greatly increased the survivability due to two factors, one being the crew still inside an armoured platform protecting them from many variants of loitering munition drones and shrapnel, and the second factor being that they can leave before counter battery arrives. Then theres the element of deterrence and sales through prestige. Developing high end designs tends to attract global respect and increase sales.

PLAGF requires that its wheeled self-propelled artillery be transportable via medium cargo transport (i.e. Y-8, Y-9). A variant of PCL-181 with full auto-loader was studied but abandoned due to its increased weight exceeding the carrying capacity of medium transports. PCL-181 is designed to be a robust, affordable system light enough to be quickly deployed via air to achieve concentration. Adding complexity (thus cost) while compromising its deployability defeats the very purpose of the system.
