PLA Ground Forces news, pics and videos


Is there anything special or new or noteworthy about any of these photos? Please point out to us what we're missing.

Yes, these trucks are a new model that I've never seen before. Could be a replacement/complement for the medium off-road fleet models that have been operating for the past 15+ years.

If you don't know the difference between my sharing images of rare to relatively rare hardware in not-often-seen settings and your incessant posting of images of systems that have been photographed thousands of times already and will continue to be photographed to the tune of tens of thousands of times in the future, then I don't know what to tell you. Speaking of which, why don't you open a dedicated gallery thread for QBZ-191 and other small arms so that you don't clutter the existing threads with endless streams of lame and boring photos that do little more than disrupting technical discussions and information exchange?


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Does anyone have pictures of the standard issue kit of a PLA infantryman in 2023? I'm quite interested in the rapid progress in both modernisation and capabilities. Thank you greatly.


Laying a smoke screen.
