If she was 17 at the time and has been there over 18 months, that makes her enlistment age 16 max.
She shot those Iraqis during supply runs? most convoy attacks come from IEDs.
Actually she was 17 and 1/2 by the time we arive to Irak... By the time we get out she, was 19, Yeah we get ambush in the convois, thats how mearly suply companies get in battle... we used to get some troubes with IEDs but nothing serious happen to us... Thankfully we dont even get a single serious casualty, we get ambushed by isurgents and we return fire, our mecanized infantry veicles have a lot of more firepower than a ill disipline isurgent with an AK-47, sometimes they hide with a detonator so they can blow up the IEDs but we spot them and gess what... Anyway returning tho the theme female soldiers can be cute but also as deadly as we are... Scince they dont have to deal with high recoil weapons in the US forces... The M16A2 have not too mush recoil, so they handle the weapon without any trouble... ecept the part of clean that thing very often to avoid malfunctioning
aquilis, you need to back up such statements with some sort of proof. We are leary of such posting. Proof? What was your unit? Where where you assigned? What was your unit's homebase? ETC..Any links verfiying this persons actions????
bd popeye super moderator
I was in the 597th QM and to be honest with you I dont know about to many links of it, scince we were just a lawndry company we dont have too much combat exept those times than we get in convois, those soldiers who volunteer for raids or moving in the convois... we dont say to the press how many kills we have or something but maybe this website can provide some sort of proof:
I know this will not provide the prooves as you probably want but if you serve the armed forces you will will know that you dont gonna find noware than USA put in the front page of a diary. 17 YRS OLD FEMALE SOLDIER KILLS ALMOST isurgents 40 in irak... respectfully that all the proof I can provide.