well RedMercury is partially rigth, you are repeating to social prejuction that roses from tens of thousand years old tradition, that excludes women from battle field. While this subdivision had practical purposes in the days of shield and sword, modern society practically dismish all the socio-economical reasons and arguments that prevent women from operating in front line. Only dogmas and stubourn obinions remain, but those have little or no foundation in the realm of logic and reason.
Men and women are different, but none of the differences prevent women from taking arms. I have served with female soldiers (thougth in our regiment, they werent in our fire position battery, becouse the pure physical reasons; only thoughest of the human breed can survive in the gun-group...
) And I never sensed anything that indicated their unfitt to deal the demands of modern battle field. Experiences from abroad supports my hinch, and It was suprising, that in our regiments singal&HQ battery, some of the most skillfull NCOs and Reserve-Officer-students were actually women.