PLA Anti-Air Missile (SAM) systems


Registered Member
report also include this.

Launch on Warning, The PLA is working to implement LOW posture by 2030, called “early warning counterstrike” (预警反击), where warning of a missile strike leads to a counterstrike before an enemy first strike can detonate..

View attachment 141125

Kinda like Soviet dead hand automatic or semi-automatic system ??

No, dead hand is something that happens after nukes have hit.

This is something that hasn't earlier been much explored, it means hitting first after detecting the enemy launch and at the same time defeating it in the air.

I've earlier guessed that with China's large ABM and surveillance buildup, the goal is to potentially allow strikes to be used as retaliation for intent, rather than true first strike launches.


Junior Member
Registered Member
My video on the overview of PLA SAMs, mostly focuses on Cold War era ones.

Let me know your comments and feedbacks.

Getting comments and feedback here in itself is good.

There was a thread about having a SDF YouTube channel. While the conclusion seemed to be that this isn't feasible, more QA with the members who do have one (also @5unrise) is beneficial