P sure this is HQ-9B. Notice the shape and height of the control compartment. Mid to high-endo-atmospheric interceptors go straight up too, would be pretty hard to find one flying a trajectory like this.It appears to be an image of HQ-19 launch (note the canted canisters).
P sure this is HQ-9B. Notice the shape and height of the control compartment. Mid to high-endo-atmospheric interceptors go straight up too, would be pretty hard to find one flying a trajectory like this.
In old interviews the designers used FD-2000 explicitly as a term to describe the export version of the HQ-9, so at least in early versions they were basically the same. The round vs. octagonal canister thing is inconsistent, and some canisters denoted "FD-2000" have round canisters anyways, so focusing is pointless.Can anyone enlighten me on the difference between the HQ-9 and FD-2000 series?
It seems to me they are 2 different missiles (at least in terms of airframe) given by the difference in round and octagon cannisters.
For example the HQ-9 has its own export version like HQ-9P, HQ-9BE and the FD-2000 has the FD-2000 and FD-2000B.
So to me simply saying the FD-2000 is an export version of HQ-9 is an oversimplification.