PLA Anti-Air Gun systems


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The A-10 (which is the class of aircraft a SHORAD will be engaging), can sustain direct impacts of rounds up to 23mm, per Wikipedia. Not the greatest source, but not the worst. The Apache (which is also a member of the class of aircraft a SHOARD will be engaging), can also sustain direct impacts of rounds up to 23mm.
Your 14.5mm SHORAD will be used to shoot down nothing but $200 kamikaze drones. Why build a whole logistics chain, as well as the vehicle itself, for such an overspecialized use? Just use the 25mm, and then use it (impactfully) on every single other target as well.
You need to have at least 40mm to 57mm to prevent the A-10 and Apache from closing-in on you !
SHORAD is simply defense against incoming missiles, bombs and drones.


Senior Member
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You need to have at least 40mm to 57mm to prevent the A-10 and Apache from closing-in on you !
SHORAD is simply defense against incoming missiles, bombs and drones.
Why would we need any ammunition against an A10 when missiles exist? If an A10 somehow gets close enough to even use it's cannon, we're beyond fucked.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You need to have at least 40mm to 57mm to prevent the A-10 and Apache from closing-in on you !
SHORAD is simply defense against incoming missiles, bombs and drones.
Per your own post:

PLA need 2 variants of Amphibious SHORAD platforms:
a) 25mm (+SAM) vs cruise missiles, bombs and aircrafts
b) 14.5mm (+SAM) vs drones and aircrafts

Besides, you would be quite surprised how much damage a rotary cannon at 25mm can do to an A-10 and Apache. I also notice that you do not provide any source whatsoever for your 40mm-57mm assertion.