PLA Anti-Air Gun systems


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To save it's stocks of 25/30/35mm ammo against cruise missiles and bombs.
And my argument is that the cost-benefit analysis of adding more 20mm class weapons by both sides of the current most active drone conflict is showing that it is not the way forward as there is no significant uptick of Russian bringing back the 14.5mm or Ukraine requesting more 20mm. This is not being seen in the current War in Gaza either.


Down grading 625's guns from 25mm to 14.5mm is interesting, actually logical for a country with small budget and no industrial capability to make their own munition.

But China has the largest industrial base in the World... They can make a lot of IFV mounted with 14.5mm guns, and in fact they did that. And 625 is just another level up.

It is strange that China have to downgrade 625 in order to save 25mm munition in their stock. If they wanted, they could built up the munition stock at what ever large amount as they wish.

A famous Chinese saying from ancient China is 兵马未动,粮草先行. Logistic support is essential before an army begins fighting. Abundant of munition and other war material must be ensure adequate before you move.
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And my argument is that the cost-benefit analysis of adding more 20mm class weapons by both sides of the current most active drone conflict is showing that it is not the way forward as there is no significant uptick of Russian bringing back the 14.5mm or Ukraine requesting more 20mm. This is not being seen in the current War in Gaza either.
Not even the 14.5mm ...12.7mm is sufficient to defeat kamikaze drones .