PLA Anti-Air Gun systems


I think Luncheonham is talking about down grading 625 with 14.5mm gun in Philippinos' point of view (instead of China) and may be influenced by their experience fighting the Muslim rebels.

Fighting against a potential enemy who is world's largest military and their allies from NATO and Asia Paciific is a different story. 625 with 14.5mm gun would not be effective in ths scenario, period.


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I think Luncheonham is talking about down grading 625 with 14.5mm gun in Philippinos' point of view (instead of China) and may be influenced by their experience fighting the Muslim rebels.

Fighting against a potential enemy who is world's largest military and their allies from NATO and Asia Paciific is a different story. 625 with 14.5mm gun would not be effective in ths scenario, period.
Funny !
You don't need 25mm rounds against small kamikaze drones.


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Funny !
You don't need 25mm rounds against small kamikaze drones.
Why is this even a discussion? 25mm with airburst rounds is probably significantly more effective than 14.5mm against small drones, and a 14.5mm does not have the kinetic energy to deflect a cruise missile or bomb in the way that a 25mm can, even disregarding the range stuff. How the hell is using a HMG round for specialized SHORAD vehicle even a possibility in your head? Where did the notion that this vehicle is meant exclusively for anti-drone even come from?


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Why is this even a discussion? 25mm with airburst rounds is probably significantly more effective than 14.5mm against small drones, and a 14.5mm does not have the kinetic energy to deflect a cruise missile or bomb in the way that a 25mm can, even disregarding the range stuff. How the hell is using a HMG round for specialized SHORAD vehicle even a possibility in your head? Where did the notion that this vehicle is meant exclusively for anti-drone even come from?
For SHORAD... A single barreled 25mm auto cannon is sufficient.
No need to waste 25mm ammo on the gatling cannon for SHORAD.
35mm SPAAG and mobile SAM vehicles already assigned to counter cruise missiles and bombs.


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It's a SHORAD.
A SHORAD can still be used to attempt terminal interception of missiles, as well as vehicles that are more heavily armored than a simple quadrocopter drone. For example, an attack helicopter or ground attack aircraft.
While a 25 mm gun may be overkill for eliminating low speed suicide drones and reconnaissance quadrocopters, it is not overkill for attacking more substantial threats such as attack helicopters, ground attack aircraft, and missiles in the terminal phase.
Please remember that militaries do not develop such vehicles for the sole purpose of countering $500 drones, and still must consider other threats such as aircraft, helicopters, and missiles.

Remember that while SHORAD may be "short range", some of the existing/in-development platforms have effective ranges up to a few kilometers. This is certainly enough for a terminal missile intercept, which a lower caliber bullet may not be able to perform effectively. It can never hurt to have more guns attempting a terminal missile intercept. Or to discourage further various low-altitude aircraft such as helicopter and ground-attack aircraft.


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PLA need 2 variants of Amphibious SHORAD platforms:
a) 25mm (+SAM) vs cruise missiles, bombs and aircrafts
b) 14.5mm (+SAM) vs drones and aircrafts


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PLA need 2 variants of Amphibious SHORAD platforms:
a) 25mm (+SAM) vs cruise missiles, bombs and aircrafts
b) 14.5mm (+SAM) vs drones and aircrafts
The A-10 (which is the class of aircraft a SHORAD will be engaging), can sustain direct impacts of rounds up to 23mm, per Wikipedia. Not the greatest source, but not the worst. The Apache (which is also a member of the class of aircraft a SHOARD will be engaging), can also sustain direct impacts of rounds up to 23mm.
Your 14.5mm SHORAD will be used to shoot down nothing but $200 kamikaze drones. Why build a whole logistics chain, as well as the vehicle itself, for such an overspecialized use? Just use the 25mm, and then use it (impactfully) on every single other target as well.