Nowadays, the 39th has 2x Mech Inf Divisions (115th and 116th), 2x Mech Inf Brigades (190th and 202th), 1x Armor Brigade (3rd), 1x Artillery (7th) and 1x AD Brigade (unidentified).
It is a very armor heavy GA, although still with lots of old equipment, especially in her maneuver battalions.
Only the 3rd Armor Brigade has 93x ZTZ-99 tanks and 31x ZBD04 IFVs as of now (the 4th tank battalion of this Bde still has ZTZ-59B, though), while the 190th mech Inf Bde has 62x ZTZ-96A for her two organic tank battalions and four mech inf battalions with ZBD-86A (BMP-1 with chinese 30mm turret) with 124 in total.
The rest of the GA is equipped with ZTZ-59B tanks (403 total in 13 tank battalions). The ZTZ-59B (105mm gun, more modern FCS and stabilization) is very slowly replaced by more capable tanks, but against the DPRK she should perform sufficiently. Troops transports are still mostly ZSD-63 and ZSD-89, though.
The most modern assets are concentrated in her artillery and air defense regiments/brigades, with the PLZ-05 155mm SPH deployed in the 116th Mech Inf Div (18 tubes) and the 7th Artillery Brigade (36 tubes) and the new PGZ-07 35mm "Sino-Gepard" deployed in the 116th Div. The rest are the more numerous older systems, like the PLZ-83 152mm SPH, PLZ-89 122mm SPH and PHZ-89 MRLS, Towed AAA, Manpad etc.
Alone, the 39th GA would be not enough for an invasion, but she would most probably be the spearhead for any offensive into North Korea when supported by other units and the PLAAF.
Also, not to forget, the 9th LH (Army Aviation) Brigade is closely associated with the 39th GA.
This unit has 12x Z-10, 24x Z-19, 18x Z-9W/WZ, 12x Mi-171 and 12x Z-8B.