Well, that is a pretty big presumption based on hear-say evidence. I am not willing to go that far at this point.
I believe it got tense out there and a gung-ho cammander of a small PH Coast Guard boat over reacted. Given what we know at this point, that's as far as I am willing to take it.
Again, I will not go that far at this point. But I agree in either case that the people on the scene who ordered the shooting and took part in it need to be apprehended and tried and punished for their crimes.
If they are not, I am not willing to make the leap that it is the official PH position to shoot Taiwanese. That makes no sense. The PH have a lot of economic ties and dependencies on Taiwan for trade, technology, goods, and giving their citizens good jobs.
What I am willing to say is that if the PH does not bring those people to justice, then they somehow believe that face-saving, and avoiding responsibility for the action of the people operating in their offical capabcity are being allowed to over-ride very basic moral, and humnan rights considerations. If they do that, then the PH government should have to pay a high price in economic sanctions, fines, legal claims, etc. for that...and that they probably are going to lose on the international scene in terms of their territorial claims and EEZ as well. All far, far more expensive than simply taking care of this incident responsibly, as they should.