is not looking good. But Taiwan is exerting stronger pressure becaue the Filipino government is trying to test their limits.This isn't looking too good.
Politically speaking, the Ma government has basically no room to back down here, few sane people would believe Ma is in any way / shape / form a warmonger, and if anything he's mostly being accused of being the opposite. But he's getting pushed dangerously close to that now.
The PRC would do well to not try to complicate this situation, because we could end up with some nasty situation if say.. the Philippines decide to officially apologize to Beijing instead. and it's actually a game they might play.
It would be pretty interesting though if the last straw on the camel i this region happened between one of the most passive player in the region and one of the weakest.
Otherwise, I see no up-side for the Philippines at all.
They have a far, far weaker military in every way.
The evidence is piling up against them on the incident itself. In fact, their story never held water in any case.
Thye US has interests in both sides and will not take sides at all.
China will remain uninvolved and would certainly not exasperate the issue when they are already on the winning side.
No...I hope, pray, and expect that with Taiwan calling the Filipino cards that the Filipinos will take a few more days to "investigate," then come out and apologize to Taiwan and pay reparations to the family. As I said, I hope and pray that is the case.
If not, the ROC should take the types of measures I talked about before.
They have given a clear ultimatum. If the Filipinos will not adequately compensate the family for their wrongful killing of the man, then Taiwan simply must make good on its promise to freeze Filipino immigration and work permits, and to take the case to international court. Then continue to ratchet up the economic pressure.
IMHO, they should also maintain a permanent naval patrol there in those waters to protect their people...and keep the Filipino coast guard out...until this is adequately settled. Taiwan has more than enough naval and air strength to do this...and should.
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