Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


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Sorry, I need to amend this. I was thinking only on the X and Y chromosomes because we were talking about those 2 possibilities. However, congenital adrenal hypoplasia (CAH), which is not a sex-chromosome related and it is actually a situation (or a group of situations) in which a true genetic female with no male input can grow to strongly resemble males.

Generally, the official way to handle this is to force them to use medications to drop their testosterone levels to below a certain threshold but that's not really fair because it's a natural genetically-defined woman using her inborn abilities. It's just that those abilities are gained through the same mechanisms by which males gain a superior physical edge over women. It also doesn't work very well because they have already taken advantage of those higher testosterone levels their whole lives and built thier bodies' foundations under those hormones so suddenly dropping the testosterone has very modest effect. Genetically speaking, I would have to medically clear this person to compete under the logic that she is 0% male and completely natural. I would also say that it is unfair to make her drop her innate testosterone levels because it is hers naturally.

However, nobody likes to see these things. If this results in a sports trend where every nation flags babies born with CAH and begins to train them for the female events, is this what we want to see? China's population means that we will have the highest number of these individuals. It is estimated that there are over 60K of them in China and over 26K of them in the US. Do you want to see the whole Chinese female team look like men? Do you want to see every female podium dominated by these individuals? Although I can not scientifically justify excluding or taking away their advantages, my ethical answer is no and I would never watch sports again dominated by these individuals. They are just too unrelatable.
It's not a question of what you want to see. It's a question of how much you want to win gold. It's just a matter of fact that the West opened Pandora's box on embracing intersex/trans as whatever they identify as, so now is where we start witnessing the outcome of that decision. Winners win and losers lose.
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It's not a question of what you want to see. It's a question of how much you want to win gold.
Not from my perspective, not this time. I'm looking at this from the perspective of the evolution of sports. Like I said, would you want to see a sporting event with the male events, then all the female events totally full up of androgenized women with CAH? Normal women will probably just pull out and quit because what's the point? I honestly don't want to see China win like this even though it will favor us. We have more than double the US head count for women with this condition. With genetic screening, they can all or almost all be detected from birth. Take them to the training camps right from there; the parents will unlikely care once they find out that they have a girl who will look like a boy. The US will not be able to keep up with this but I just don't want that and I don't want golds earned that way.
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Not for my perspective, not this time. I'm looking at this from the perspective of the evolution of sports. Like I said, would you want to see a sporting event with the male events, then all the female events totally full up of androgenized women with CAH? Normal women will probably just pull out and quit because what's the point? I honestly don't want to see China win like this even though it will favor us. We have more than double the US head count for women with this condition. With genetic screening, they can all or almost all be detected from birth. Take them to the training camps right from there; the parents will unlikely care once they find out that they have a girl who will look like a boy. The US will not be able to keep up with this but I just don't want that and I don't want golds earned that way.
Nope, but it's not our call. Good luck convincing IOC to ban trans/intersex from competing as women. I expect any efforts like that to fail.


Nope, but it's not our call. Good luck convincing IOC to ban trans/intersex from competing as women. I expect any efforts like that to fail.
These are freak examples. I honestly think that the US is desperate as hell to win gold medals; I wouldn't put anything below them... except this. Even America doesn't want to see female sports become like this... especially because they know they'll lose if China plays along with all our CAH women. We wont... but they think we will; they think we're evil.


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These are freak examples. I honestly think that the US is desperate as hell to win gold medals; I wouldn't put anything below them... except this. Even America doesn't want to see female sports become like this... especially because they know they'll lose if China plays along with all our CAH women. We wont... but they think we will; they think we're evil.
They're the evil ones. And I think their desperation to win will push them to eventually do this at scale anyways. It's just a matter of how desperate they get. If they don't win the most gold in LA and SLC, I expect to see them lower themselves to any and all sneaky or dirty tactics.


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it's ok fellas, being second to the USA is nothing to be ashamed of. We are the only nation capable of competing with them, everyone else is irrelevant. Being part of the G2 club athletically, economically, and militarily is highly satisfying.


Senior Member
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it's ok fellas, being second to the USA is nothing to be ashamed of. We are the only nation capable of competing with them, everyone else is irrelevant. Being part of the G2 club athletically, economically, and militarily is highly satisfying.
This mentality right here is one of the factors that divide those who strive to win and those who settle for inferiority. The ones who actually make it to the top never get there by being satisfied with silver.