Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


Registered Member
Swimming is a white elitist sport. That's why they're so protective. China did not participate in the Olympics until the 1980s. You know what American swimmers were complaining about China early on when Chinese were winning suggesting they were cheating? They said the Chinese communist government was offering TV sets to swimmers that won gold saying that was what was motivating Chinese swimmers to win. You mean like getting million dollar endorsement deals from big American corporations isn't motivation for them in winning? They don't want to believe Chinese swimmers can be better than white swimmers. It's like the conundrum of how is China doing so many things for the environment achieving promised goals while the US is not? Their answer... China is not motivated by the heart. They don't really care. They're doing it because they have to...

There was a condition that American phycologists named, I forget the exact name... it was something like post-achievement syndrome, to describe what American Olympic athletes get when they don't win. There's an expectation of being rewarded with accolades being paraded around in public and endorsement deals when American athletes win. When they don't win they go into a depression. Sounds like motivation by selfishness not because the care about it in general or they wouldn't be so concerned about winning or not winning.
swimming is just one event that the white Anglo five eyes try to use t9 establish their supposed supremacy as their right to rule. When they inevitable lose against Chinese , rather than putting their head down and working hard, they bitch and moan, revealing the poverty of character within.

A look at their cousins, the Indians reveals this inherent inferiority, except that Indians are the product of caste inbreeding and a lack of physical environmental pressure ie

the view point of Indo-European peoples casts the olympics as a racial competition, so they react violently when bested by the non white chinese. I guarantee you if this keeps up, they’re going to revert to pre 19th century notions of casting Chinese as “white all along”.


Lieutenant General
Let's see what we got here: trannies, gays, 'obesity is a feature', drags, demons, groomers, pedophiles, cultists. Looks like France gathered all the degenerates of society for this event. Is it just me or do I not see even a single normal fucking person in these images? Apex of Western culture, ladies and gents, we invite you all and your families to depravity. And we'll shoot you if you don't.

Edit: couldn't leave out mocking religion

The blue guy is a demonic depiction derived from Hinduism (Kali), if I'm not mistaken, often used in Western art and cartoons (i.e. the Genie from Aladdin). The blue demon is found in many cultures. Japanese folklore have the blue Oni. And if you look closely, you can actually see his nutsack in all images.

This is more a cult ritual than an Olympic ceremony.
If you think the French open ceremony was bad, wait until Los Angeles 2028. This is Hollywood's ultra moment to spread their woke propaganda to the world, viewers be damn. :rolleyes:


Staff member
Super Moderator
Let's see what we got here: trannies, gays, 'obesity is a feature', drags, demons, groomers, pedophiles, cultists. Looks like France gathered all the degenerates of society for this event. Is it just me or do I not see even a single normal fucking person in these images? Apex of Western culture, ladies and gents, we invite you all and your families to depravity. And we'll shoot you if you don't.

Edit: couldn't leave out mocking religion

The blue guy is a demonic depiction derived from Hinduism (Kali), if I'm not mistaken, often used in Western art and cartoons (i.e. the Genie from Aladdin). The blue demon is found in many cultures. Japanese folklore have the blue Oni. And if you look closely, you can actually see his nutsack in all images.

This is more a cult ritual than an Olympic ceremony.

Lion Demon from Journey to the West expresses shock and surprise that he showed up at the Paris Olympics with no clothes on.


Registered Member
Why are you guys so transphobic?
And why are you pro-Pedophilia? Don't make such a blanket statement just because people like myself find that shit of a show not only disrespectful, tasteless, tacky, debauchery, and frankly disgusting. My comment would be the same if those idiots have shown topless women dressed up as nuns and priests (like they do in old Vegas).

Being gay, trans have to have some common f..ng decency and just because one is different that doesn't excuse their disgusting behavior as A-OK.

If you're into that sort of crap, keep it to yourself but don't try to shove it my throat and then feel offended when people like myself react negatively to such disgusting display of depravity.