Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


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I hear people on Chinese social media complain that the swimming team is being bullied by the west and ignored etc.

Like what's the point? We know what the west is like. I would almost argue it's a deliberate coordinated effort with america leading it.

The only real thing you can do is win gold like Pan. Then they will be forced to to smile in front of you. And if they don't, just mock them and core them a sore loser to rub it in. That's the only real language they understand. Winning.

If China don’t win another swimming gold, I’m happy with Pan’s gold being the only one in the 100 freestyle with the world record. What is lacking in total number of golds was made up by the quality of the gold. There is no bigger or more prestigious gold than the men’s 100 freestyle in swimming. It sent a message to the West that no matter what dirty tricks they try, China won’t be kept down. Pan is the pride of China. Pride of Asia. That world record was the biggest ‘FUCK YOU’ you can give. Look at all the cope from the West after Pan’s gold. They are shell shocked. People will never ever forget Pan’s gold medal. That young man didn’t back down and stood up for his team and country when it was needed the most in the most emphatic way. It’s one of the most important golds China has ever won. For me it’s even greater than Liu Xiang’s gold in the 110m hurdles in 2004 Athens Olympics. My favourite moment of the Olympics and I doubt anything can top this.


He predicted that he will break the world record at the Paris Olympics.
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Amongst all the heat and fury regarding allegations of Chinese doping, subsequent investigations and treatment of athletes, I have been reviewing various documents and statements from WADA and others to try to bring myself up to speed in relation to the Trimetazidine episode of early 2021. However there is a noticeable gap, or rather paucity of information, in the English language coverage of certain aspects of the case, namely those related to CHINADA and the details and timeline of its investigative process. For example, in April 2024 WADA commissioned an independent review of its handling of the case which issued an
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and chronological
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just a few weeks ago, which concludes that WADA acted appropriately and there there was no reasonable basis for WADA to appeal CHINADA's hypothesis of environmental contamination to CAS. However, while this report contains much useful information, it basically starts at the crossover point between CHINADA/WADA and does not address CHINADA's investigative process itself. The New York Times and German broadcaster ARD have published articles derived from, amongst other things, the report CHINADA supplied to WADA, but this report is not publicly available for review, no doubt in part because it contains confidential information regarding specific athletes. So my question is, has CHINADA published any detailed (but non-compromising) account of its investigative process, particularly addressing the timeline between the taking and analysis of samples and the timeline from obtaining results, commencement of investigative process, and notification to WADA?​
P.S. I notice that in various mainstream media reports, there is talk of a "cover up" by WADA extending to the publication by NYT/ARD of their stories earlier this year. However, that CHINADA recorded 28 AAFs (Adverse Analytical Findings) in the field of Aquatics in 2021 is listed in its anti-doping figures for that year, publicly available since
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(Table 23 ASOIF Sport - Aquatics). Those 28 AAFs constituted one-third of all AAFs associated with Aquatics recorded that year and constituted a clear outlier for anyone motivated to look for such. Other National Anti-Doping Organisations likely have more immediate access to such data via the ADAMS database, access to more data, and corresponding avenues of communication with WADA to follow-up on any queries.​
P.P.S. Another thing that clearly emerges from all this is that USADA CEO Travis Tygart seems to think he is a nationalist politician running for election or perhaps a cheerleading television host, rather than a responsible and apolitical custodian of an agency serving an important function in elite sport.​
P.P.P.S. Testing at the Olympics is handled by the ITA. The ITA's anti-doping rules covering the Paris 2024 Olympics are published
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. I am unable to locate the section that explains why athletes from certain nations are being tested at four times the rate of other nations...​
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Registered Member
If China don’t win another swimming gold, I’m happy with Pan’s gold being the only one in the 100 freestyle with the world record. What is lacking in total number of golds was made up by the quality of the gold. There is no bigger or more prestigious gold than the men’s 100 freestyle in swimming. It sent a message to the West that no matter what dirty tricks they try, China won’t be kept down. Pan is the pride of China. Pride of Asia. That world record was the biggest ‘FUCK YOU’ you can give. Look at all the cope from the West after Pan’s gold. They are shell shocked. People will never ever forget Pan’s gold medal. That young man didn’t back down and stood up for his team and country when it was needed the most in the most emphatic way. It’s one of the most important golds China has ever won. For me it’s even greater than Liu Xiang’s gold in the 110m hurdles in 2004 Athens Olympics. My favourite moment of the Olympics and I doubt anything can top this.

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He predicted that he will break the world record at the Paris Olympics.
The reason it matters is because much like the Nazi era Olympics, the Anglos typical of their apartheid society, like to use the Olympics as a demonstration of the superiority of their people and by implication, the superiority of their culture and bloodline. The fact that they use african american athletes does not detract from this myth, because they have displayed the tendency to succumb to cognitive bias in refusing to believe that the fastest swimmer in the world in Chinese.

Look now at how easily the anglosphere resort to intimidation and violence when their myth falls apart: threatening doping officials because they don't tow the anglo line, intimidating Chinese athletes and threatening to kidnap and imprison them to get them to 'confess' to doping.

This is the reason i ask, what is the Five Eyes without white supremacy? what is nazi germany without nazi ideology?


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US got 7 gold in athletic in Tokyo. France could be more competitive this year as a host. (It is even more competitive in Table Tennis, I think it has a chance for men team).

If the rise of China is rising the global south and make them more competitive, it may not be a bad things.


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The only conclusion to be made is that the US and Australian Olympics swimming team were doping which is why they can't believe a non doping Chinese man was able to best them, without any doping or enhancements whatsoever.

Implication here is that genetic stock of the anglo swimmer is so overrated by the australian/american commentator that they believed no Asian person could beat them unless they were also on some form of enhancement.


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The only conclusion to be made is that the US and Australian Olympics swimming team were doping which is why they can't believe a non doping Chinese man was able to best them, without any doping or enhancements whatsoever.

Implication here is that genetic stock of the anglo swimmer is so overrated by the australian/american commentator that they believed no Asian person could beat them unless they were also on some form of enhancement.
They assumed that the Asian and Anglo stocks were equal, such that an Asian must also commit doping in order to equal or beat their own doped up anglos.

However, the first part of their assumption was wrong.


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They assumed that the Asian and Anglo stocks were equal, such that an Asian must also commit doping in order to equal or beat their own doped up anglos.

However, the first part of their assumption was wrong.
If you think the West sees Asian male and Anglo male genetics as equal, you're simply wrong. Any Asian male who has lived in the West for long enough can tell you what the West really thinks of Asian men.