Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


Senior Member
China women’s basketball team just lost by over 20 points to Serbia. This time the loss is much more comprehensive than the 1 point overtime loss to Spain which they should have won. 2 losses now. Not looking good

I think it's actually for China to get gold at newer events than older ones. Newer events, no one has really built up the infrastructure so there's not much to catch up on.

It's why China has a UFC champ while the rest of traditional Asia doesn't.
The older events still have alot of value. They should still be prioritised imo. Without them china may not even be in top 5 of medal chart. Newer events are much much harder to break into. Not just infrastructure wise but also tradition, competition, coaching, talent pool extra. In addition to new events, for my own selfish reasons, I like China to put more funding on team events. They tend to bring out more patriotic energy than individua events. So far only the women’s volleyball team has the ability to make waves in the international scene.

More info on the BMX freestyle:

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Woah. Just reading that, this sports seems like a very dangerous event to partake in. Hope everyone is okay after that.


Senior Member
I missed the womens team gymnastics but why are the Chinese and Japanese women team so weak at the moment.
You are thinking of the men’s team bro. Aside from the high point of Beijing Olympics, women’s team for China and Japanese are far weaker. They have always been outperformed by their men’s team.

as someone mentioned, women gymnastics is now dominated by power gymnasts rather than artistry and finesse. US and western nations excel in power. Russians in artistry, China in finesse and elegance. Then you have a freak alien like Biles who dominates everyone.

China have to drastically improve their vaulting amd floor to stand a chance. Right now the gap is too big. So much so that even their strong marks in beam and bars cannot close the gap. To make things worse, the beam and bars apparatus events are very high risk, small margin of error. A small wobble, an inch off can lead to a fall and that’s a medal chance gone.



Great chart. These numbers appear to come from
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2024 report on 2022 data, specifically the number of Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) recorded by National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADO) accredited by WADA (Table 8: Total Samples by TA Category). Regarding AAFs, the report notes:

The Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) in this report are not to be confused with adjudicated or sanctioned Anti Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs). "Adverse Analytical Finding" is defined in the World Anti-Doping Code as "A report from a WADA-accredited Laboratory or other WADA-approved Laboratory that, consistent with the International Standard for Laboratories and related Technical Documents, identifies in a Sample the presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers (including elevated quantities of endogenous substances) or evidence of the use of a Prohibited Method." These figures may not be identical to sanctioned cases (number of ADRVs), as the figures given in this report may contain findings that underwent the Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) approval process for example.

So what we really want is the ADRV (Anti-Doping Rule Violation) report for the same timeframe, which would exclude TUEs and include non-analytical adverse findings such as athletes evading test protocols or being found in possession of prohibited substances. Unfortunately that corresponding ADRV report has not yet been published. There is, however, an
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ADRV report published in 2023 based on 2020 data. The worst offenders in that report are Russia (135 ADRVs), India (59) and USA (57). China had 25 and Japan...1. Half of the Russian ADRVs were based on non-analytical findings, which illustrates one of the limitations of the AAF data used in the chart.

Back to the 2024 AAF report. One thing that leaps out is how few tests are attributed to USADA. The UK, Italy, France and German NADOs all record more tests administered than USA despite being much smaller nations, as do Russia and China. Of the nations that conduct thousands of tests each year, India is indeed a clear outlier with 3.2% AAFs. One has to give a special shout out to Syria, however: achieving an extraordinary 50% AAF rate based off two tests.
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Junior Member
It's shocking that India does so poor despite the high doping rate. I always assumed they perform abysmally because they have no dedicated training programs. Turns out they're drugging their athletes up to the gills at rates higher than US and Russia.

1.5 billion people, man. What are most of them even doing.

Doping is a science and skill on to itself.


Senior Member
If there are one or two athletes who are asthmatic then it is an inspirational story. But when the whole friggin team is asthmatic then don’t blame us for being skeptical
Reminds me of the news going around few years ago that exposed more than 60% of Liverpool fc players were asthmatic medications. By that time people were already wondering why their players seem to be able to run run and run non stop for so many matches.