Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


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Notice how these drug tests are done against China’s gold medal favourites on the day of the final. This was their plan all along to disrupt the Chinese swimmers to stop them winning gold medals. Chinese Olympic team should complain to the authorities and go to the media. Should not just accept blatant sabotage. Mentally they are rattled by all these things which is why they have underperformed so far.
Don’t forget all the disgusting accusations against young Ye Shiwen in 2012 Olympics. Then sabotaged Sun Yang’s career. They are scared of China’s rise is swimming. Just like they are scared of China’s rise in AI.
China now simply can't because not only the west but a big chunk of the world simply hold bias again China. You can only fight by political and economic power. Olympic is corrupt simply because US and G7 hold so much power.Olympic is a political force disguised as a sport event.


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When do swimmers usually wake? As far as I know, athletes like to sleep 10pm-6am or something like that and this was an evening event so wouldn't they have time to catch up on sleep? There should be regulation hours as to when drug testing may occur; they can be tested pre-sleep and the doors sealed to ensure no one else enters but if they were sabotaged, I would send Chinese people to knock on the doors of the US team as well just to make sure they all have that early wake-up call.
During the school year, I usually slept from 10 PM to 6 AM (to be honest, it was more like 12 AM to 6 AM on many days). On weekdays, I would go to school first and then head straight to swim practice right after. During the school year, meets (competitions) were usually held on weekends, but I would still wake up at 6 AM so that I could eat breakfast and go to the pool to warm up before the meet.

During the summer, I had two swim practices every day. The first swim practice of the day was at 8 AM in the morning, so I would wake up at 6:30 AM to eat breakfast and get ready. After the morning practice, I would go home, play League of Legends for a couple of hours, and then get ready for my afternoon swim practice, which was at 5 PM. It was tough, but I swam with my friends so I had a lot of fun. I miss those days a lot.

I was far from an Olympic-level swimmer, so I wouldn't be surprised if Zhang Yufei has a stricter routine and wakes up around 5 AM every day. However, even losing one hour of sleep can have a major impact on a swimmer's performance, so when I heard about what happened to Zhang, my blood boiled. Swimming while sleep-deprived is terrible. Adrenaline helps a lot, but whenever I didn't get enough sleep, my entire body would ache.


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The events of the past few years have really shown that the Olympics is heavily biased toward their western backers against China

1. Removal of weightlifting events

2. Adding ridiculous numbers of western dominated sports like skateboarding, breakdancing, surfing, 3x3 basketball, kayak cross in addition to the already ridiculous numbers of swimming events

3. The fake doping scandal made up by the US government to attack and disrupt Chinese swimmers, despite US having a much worse doping record

Especially after 2020 when China almost replaced the US in the medal tally. The US is a country that will do anything to save face.

The Olympics is now neither fair nor free from political interference. If this goes on it doesn't matter how good Chinese athletes are or how much China spends on sports, it will all be easily undone with some bribes/threats from the US.

China needs to adopt a new strategy to force IOC to act in a proper manner.
China could just not attend and create alternatives. Like Russia has been forced to.

The Olympics is a Western ritual, at the end of the day. Started by the Greeks. The rest of the world was dragged into it by Western dominance during the Age of Colonialism. If, as we believe, that dominance is fading, then so too should the prestige of Western cultural events.

It can be easily sold to the public that the Olympics isn't all that important because of its various controversies and biases, and to sponsor new events in its place. The IOC will then either act to address the issues, or it won't and we'll just stop caring about this Western ritual once every four years. Win win.


Registered Member
China could just not attend and create alternatives. Like Russia has been forced to.

The Olympics is a Western ritual, at the end of the day. Started by the Greeks. The rest of the world was dragged into it by Western dominance during the Age of Colonialism. If, as we believe, that dominance is fading, then so too should the prestige of Western cultural events.

It can be easily sold to the public that the Olympics isn't all that important because of its various controversies and biases, and to sponsor new events in its place. The IOC will then either act to address the issues, or it won't and we'll just stop caring about this Western ritual once every four years. Win win.
Yup. Everybody can already feel the Olympics has lost a lot of meaning this year with the absence of Russia and Belarus + all the other dirty tricks to inflate Western standings.

If China joins in a boycott that will be the end of Olympics as the premier international event and become just another Western circlejerk.

I suspect China refuses to do so because it does not want to openly make an enemy of the West. They still believe relations can return to "normal". So they just keep quiet and bide their time.


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Everything international is dying, and that process should be accelerated and concluded soon. It might be restored one day when certain side of the world sit on the round table with rest of the world, until then, no point to continue this garbage... Promote and invest in BRICKS+ games instead.