Olympics 2024 - discussion thread

Knight Kien

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Even though 2028 will be on the US's home turf, China has a significant presence in LA, more so than Tokyo. Perhaps, next time, China can send a larger contingent of athletes to compete. It might not be as lopsided as some of you might think. And there will be massive improvements in Chinese swimming and athletics in the next four years.
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If we compare China’s results over time, it’s definitely the best foreign result ever. Outside of Beijing 2008, which had a home field advantage, China has never looked stronger relative to the US. It’s an improvement over Tokyo where it was already close, so nothing to be sad about especially without the virus as an excuse / factor.

But outside of China what is more interesting is the rise of Japan to a consistent third place. Japan was not that strong and used to be more around South Korea’s level. I wonder what changed there other than the Tokyo effect. We’ll see if they keep it up in 2028 I guess.
They got fencing and wrestling to earn a big chunk of their medals.


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I'm ranting hard now in an emotional state. While I was pessimistic I still was hoping I would be entirely wrong and China would win to shut those Americans up. What's really painful is while there were breakthroughs, this ultimately followed the same pattern as Tokyo where USA just marginally won out in the end. Feels like no truly signficiant lessons learnt from last time. It hurts because it was so close yet it didn't happen. This is exactly why 10000 silvers will never be equal to one gold. Forget about 2028, we will have to wait until 2032 to have a real chance of finally getting number 1.

So my thoughts in what's next

China needs to exercise more political power over the IOC. It is unfair western countries still have such systematic advantages. Sports China
Is good shouldn't be reduced but make it western ones like horse dancing. Stuff like wushu should be in.

China has to win in swimming and crush the western grip over it. No more bullshit testing or whatever.

Whoever is in charge of female gymnastics needs to be replaced.

There needs to be more work done on athletics and cycling. It's a disgrace China is relying on old guys past their primes.

The standard sports China is good at is not safe. Others are getting good at table tennis and diving. Guaranteed medals could be lost.

Japan has a lot of overlap on what they are good at with China. It is a threat to China's golds. China needs to deal with it but also expand on taking golds away from Europeans which may actually be easier than competing with very focused Japanese.
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Cycling looks like certain gold for US unless she somehow falls in the last round

Add basketball to that and US is even at 40 golds

All down to wrestling now

That means China, aka the Greater China Area, has more golds in this Paris Olympics than any country on earth, when we add the Taiwan medal and two from our Hong Kong.

Kind of unexpected, but we'll take it.

Jia You! Hell, ga yau!

That sounds better, hehe!



Registered Member
If we compare China’s results over time, it’s definitely the best foreign result ever. Outside of Beijing 2008, which had a home field advantage, China has never looked stronger relative to the US. It’s an improvement over Tokyo where it was already close, so nothing to be sad about especially without the virus as an excuse / factor.

But outside of China what is more interesting is the rise of Japan to a consistent third place. Japan was not that strong and used to be more around South Korea’s level. I wonder what changed there other than the Tokyo effect. We’ll see if they keep it up in 2028 I guess.
Japan’s rise could be the result of the Russia ban and to some degree the overall decline of the west. Pandemic, war, riots, hyper inflations, recessions, social tensions and unrests, etc. Some could have had less of these and recovered faster than others.


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There's actually a relatively easy move around eSports that China could be making, which would benefit most of East Asia - especially South Korea and China. Considering the Koreans have been down on their luck in the Olympics relative to historical rival Japan, it should be easy to bring them on board. Then you have all the Southeast Asian countries as well as the Middle East and increasingly South America that are interested in eSports.

The problem is two-fold. First, an international federation has to be formed to govern eSports. That's not hard to do. The more difficult is the political problem around "violence" that the IOC has used to block eSports in the past. Honestly, this is just a matter of influence - there's more violent behavior around physical sports than there is around eSports, so if a strong enough group of countries wanted to push it in, it can easily get in.

There's also already a precedent in the Asian Games, which could be used to pressure the IOC.


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That means China, aka the Greater China Area, has more golds in this Paris Olympics than any country on earth, when we add the Taiwan medal and two from our Hong Kong.

Kind of unexpected, but we'll take it.

Jia You! Hell, ga yau!

That sounds better, hehe!

Please don't do this. This was literally done in Tokyo and this gave ammo for westoid media to mock China. They even thought China officially changed the medal chart to cope hard. The Chinese Olympic committee sent out almost 400 guys. We should respect what they achieved alone instead needing to add ones from others. Japan is a vassal state of the US, so technically nothing to stop them adding on medals

Fact is China wouldn't need to do this if we had won. Just accept China came up short.
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Registered Member
Please don't do this. This was literally done in Tokyo and this gave ammo for westoid media to mock China. They even thought China officially changed the medal chart to cope hard.

Fact is China wouldn't need to do this if we had won.

Those are facts.

Admittedly, I got no idea about what happened in Tokyo, and do not really follow all this wetoid media to mock China, because, Hong Kong is Chinese territory. People who won gold for Hong Kong are legally Chinese nationals, besides being your average Cantonese.

But, if we want stick it to them even playing with China having geopolitical handicap for placement names in these Olympics, well let's stick to them!

This has been fun. I liked the sports part.

The geopolitical stuff can wait for another day, just speaking for myself. I kind of like the sports. It is very exciting some of these events. So much drama.

It was a very good Olympics games all around. Cheers!



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Even though China didn't end up at the top of the medal table, watching Chinese athletes win 44 gold medals made me feel so proud to be Chinese...

It also made me so happy to see our friends in Pakistan, Serbia, etc. win gold medals.

To be honest, it's been an incredibly fun two weeks for me. I think I'll start following the competitions for certain sports like swimming and gymnastics before the 2028 games.
Somehow I expected the USA to get more gold than China given their propensity to cheat like hell. For China to manage this epic result is nothing short of epic given how almost everything is against China from the corrupt judging to false testing allegations to the allowance of those drugs with that whole U.S. swimmer purple face act. Having an equal amount of gold must be a very painful result for the USA that no amount of crying will change. China came this far fair and square while the USA simply cannot compete with honesty and heck and tried to intimidate others into giving them medals at times. So in the end, this should reflect poorly on the USA, not on China. Well done for China to have done what so many nations have failed to do, actually drive the USA into the corner with the US having more medals overall as a constellation prize based on corruption and faulty judgement at times. Seriously the US did China dirty and all they managed to do is this, they really have fallen quite far when in the past they beat China outright and with ease as well. Also HK & TW is a part of China so we still beat their stupid asses outright anyway, the whole HK thing is just another way for the west to feel better and anyone that says otherwise is a PK HGC and they know it
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