Lieutenant General
Western athletes expect to be paid by the Olympics now because they can't afford the costs of what it takes to get to the Olympics. At what age do they expect the checks to be sent to them because it doesn't happen overnight and it doesn't guarantee they'll succeed in the end. So what about all the athletes especially from other countries that aren't good enough to win? Do they get paid too? See the fraud that's going to happen and that's why their solution is only athletes of Western countries get paid and would benefit from all the advantages. And that's why it's never going to happen. What you have here are white people wanting a welfare system created for them. All you have to do is say to yourself when you're a kid, I want to be an Olympic athlete and win gold medals when I grow up and that's all it takes to get yourself on the payroll from then on. It's going to cost more than $1.7 billion. Maybe the Olympics can partner with Onlyfans or they can create their own version so they can make money. Yeah and then looks and not athletics will be the most important thing at the Olympics which will cut out all the countries Westerners don't see as pretty to them. The West can forget about hoping to graduate more STEM students when every American will be riding this gravy train.