Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


I wrote a few days ago that WADA was in open warfare with USADA, but a lot of folk seemed to prefer a narrative whereby international organs like WADA, CAS, ITA, IOC, etc. are conspiring to suppress China's greatness by any means possible.

My view was (and remains) that these are imperfect organizations navigating complex issues in a highly charged political environment.

There is a war going on and it is not between China and the west, but between Washington and the European-dominated institutions of international sport, in large part because they have not been sufficiently cooperative in demonising and excluding China. As with all international institutions, if Washington does not control them then it wishes to bypass, undermine, delegitimize or destroy them. The Europeans may have no great love for China either, but they do enjoy money and prestige and dislike being told what to do. WADA, IOC etc. are trying to hold the system together while Washington is attempting to tear it apart. The foolish decision to award the 2028 Olympic games to the USA looms as a potential crisis in the making, with Washington asserting an extraterritorial right to arrest anyone they please in the course of investigating doping allegations wherever they are alleged to have occurred.

Undoubtedly part of the WADA/IOC/etc. response to Washington's offensive has been to accommodate their concerns to a significant degree, such as in relation to testing of Chinese athletes. But more recently we are seeing these institutions also on the offensive: the IOC threatening to terminate the USA's hosting of the 2034 Winter Olympics, and now these mysterious disclosures and public comment from WADA. My only misgiving about all this is that the best line that WADA, CHINADA, etc. have against Washington's onslaught is their reputation as professional, technical, apolitical organizations. Someone needs to do the dirty work of pushing back against Washington's political campaign, but I don't think that it should be WADA or CHINADA themselves.

None of the above is to suggest that Beijing should remain silent in the face of unfair treatment. Where issues exist, they should be raised both publicly and publicly. But taking China out of an admittedly imperfect system, as some here have suggested, is precisely what Washington wants.
I'm hoping the US push gets so ugly that shit hits the fan and WADA discloses all the cheating and positive tests the US has and the IOC disqualifies the US to host in 2028 on the grounds that you have to be eligible to compete to host and they are banned for team organizational doping. Like I said, it's not safe for Chinese athletes to go to America; even if it gives off WWII vibes, for safety, boycott it and stand with Russia away from those games.
looks like Shi bombed out and with a injury and won't be medaling for weightlifting, really unexpected.
Brahhhhh you just watched a rerun. We all saw that live 15 hours ago... And he came into the comp expecting silver; he was the weakest Chinese lifter this cycle.


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What tf I am watching in diving. Yang Hao just had a 28-point dive. This type of mistake never should be allowed.
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Wow, Chinese pair looking really dominant in Women's C2 500m

They got the olympic best even though they stopped rowing in the last 10 meters (because everyone else was so far behind)

What tf I am watching in diving. Yang Hao just had a 28-point dive. This type of mistake never should be allowed.
Lol it happens every Olympic. 8 events with prelimiaries, semis and finals, it's inevitable there's at least a couple screw ups


What tf I am watching in diving. Yang Hao just had a 28-point dive. This type of mistake never should be allowed.
Wow, Chinese pair looking really dominant in Women's C2 500m

They got the olympic best even though they stopped rowing in the last 10 meters (because everyone else was so far behind)
OK where are you 2 seeing this? I'm on CCTV5, CCTV5+ and CCTV16 and they're not showing these events.
What tf I am watching in diving. Yang Hao just had a 28-point dive. This type of mistake never should be allowed.
I just saw that too, hopefully he can get things together in time for the finals.

Lol it happens every Olympic. 8 events with prelimiaries, semis and finals, it's inevitable there's at least a couple screw ups
Although China dominates diving every Olympics, China has never swept all 8 golds. The men's synchro 3m was already too close for comfort, fingers crossed that the Chinese divers can finish strong in the 10m and achieve the historic sweep. Being both the final event as well as the most contested event, hopefully at least one of the two men can rise to the occasion and perform under pressure in the finals.
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Junior Member
I'm hoping the US push gets so ugly that shit hits the fan and WADA discloses all the cheating and positive tests the US has and the IOC disqualifies the US to host in 2028 on the grounds that you have to be eligible to compete to host and they are banned for team organizational doping. Like I said, it's not safe for Chinese athletes to go to America; even if it gives off WWII vibes, for safety, boycott it and stand with Russia away from those games.

Brahhhhh you just watched a rerun. We all saw that live 15 hours ago... And he came into the comp expecting silver; he was the weakest Chinese lifter this cycle.
Well crap, didn’t notice it was a rerun.


Aaaaahahahahahaaa Harimoto just got killed by Lebrun. Team Japan is 0-2 down against France in the Tennis men's team and China manhandled France 3-0 yesterday. Harimoto's so annoying with his little bitch celebration where he looks to his team and screams on his knees; he thought he had that set locked away then Lebrun came back in a 5 shot rally and won the whole match LOL I don't understand how he can stand himself! When you over-celebrate, you don't leave yourself much dignity if you lose.


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looks like Shi bombed out and with a injury and won't be medaling for weightlifting, really unexpected.
I still don't why they picked him. Sure he did well at the qualifiers but the dude is old already. Should have just let the other young guy have a chance.
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