Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


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4 is not possible for volleyball because the US is already gone in female beach volleyball. But unfortunatley, the US is favored to win 1 in women's weightifting 71kg because China maxed out quota so we can't send anyone to stop her. Hoping Ecuador can but their clean and jerk is kinda weak. So I guess it evens out LOL.

But do you believe the US is favored to win the other 3 events?
I have no idea about weightlifting because I don't follow the scene. In fact, for the US golds I'm just estimating based on their past olympic performance so could be totally wrong (maybe some guy retired or some new guy popped up etc)


I have no idea about weightlifting because I don't follow the scene. In fact, for the US golds I'm just estimating based on their past olympic performance so could be totally wrong (maybe some guy retired or some new guy popped up etc)
Oh I see. That's very crude. Turkish women's volleyball is super this time due to a killer named Vargus. Wouldn't be surprised if the US tried to food poison her if they play each other. But for China, you're hitting the bottom line pretty correctly. The boxing I'd be happy with 2 golds; we have 5 hopefuls in Taekwondo, which hasn't started and we are surprisingly in the semis for field hockey. Are we good at break dancing? I heard we're like a close second to Korea in that sport though I don't know. All the other sports I really don't know.
Aren't there many Chinese herbs -ginseng -being the most well known in case he's "depleted" by said girls.
Yeah, they're enough to keep him alive but not winning world records if he's pullin' up his pants to run to practice then getting pulled out for a quickie on the way to the locker room, then getting getting blown trying to get to the cafeteria, etc...
BTW I am impressed by his strategic thinking -right out of Sun Tzu's Art of War-"When strong feign weakness..." strategic deception-he's got a brain.
It's overblown. It's not like they could have done anything to stop him if they knew he could do 46.40.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Oh I see. That's very crude. Turkish women's volleyball is super this time due to a killer named Vargus. Wouldn't be surprised if the US tried to food poison her if they play each other. But for China, you're hitting the bottom line pretty correctly. The boxing I'd be happy with 2 golds; we have 5 hopefuls in Taekwondo, which hasn't started and we are surprisingly in the semis for field hockey. Are we good at break dancing? I heard we're like a close second to Korea in that sport though I don't know. All the other sports I really don't know.

Yeah, they're enough to keep him alive but not winning world records if he's pullin' up his pants to run to practice then getting pulled out for a quickie on the way to the locker room, then getting getting blown trying to get to the cafeteria, etc...

It's overblown. It's not like they could have done anything to stop him if they knew he could do 46.40.
Yes but next olympics a horrible thought came to me as the incident from the Swedish photographer "accidentally" broke the Chinese players's paddle- it could escalate to physical assault like Nancy Kerrigan to sabotage Pan in the next 4 years and in LA2028


Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes but next olympics a horrible thought came to me as the incident from the Swedish photographer "accidentally" broke the Chinese players's paddle- it could escalate to physical assault like Nancy Kerrigan to sabotage Pan in the next 4 years and in LA2028

The US might deny visas for Chinese swimmers for 2028 Olympics if they put sanctions on Chinese swim team. FBI and DOJ getting involved means they have a nefarious plan.


Registered Member
China has 2 athletes in quarter finals of womens sport climbing.
They're not favourites (Poland and US are better) but the 'once and done" format makes an upset possible

BTW, mixed race walk is going on right now. Zhang Jun is quite a bit weaker than the Ecuador guy but Yang Jiayu is the strongest female. Hopefully she can pull a Pan Zhanle
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes but next olympics a horrible thought came to me as the incident from the Swedish photographer "accidentally" broke the Chinese players's paddle- it could escalate to physical assault like Nancy Kerrigan to sabotage Pan in the next 4 years and in LA2028
Wasn't it a Korean photographer?


The source of contamination was identified. The hotel kitchen used by the swimmers that tested positive was contaminated with TMZ.
From page 1 of the
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Furthermore, from page 3 of the
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Traces of TMZ were found in the kitchen, but how they came to be there was not. From the
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to the report from the independent prosecutor into WADA's handling of the case, which described some of WADA's internal deliberations and communications with CHINADA:

29.- On 19 July 2021, CHINADA provided clarifications on certain points, thus following up on a request from Marissa SUNIO of 14 July 2021 (para. 25 above). The answers given concerned:
- two food supplements that had not been analyzed at first and which were analyzed afterwards, the analysis revealing that they did not contain TMZ;
- the very large number of searches undertaken so far in vain by the public authorities to determine the origin of environmental contamination;
- investigations into the TMZ manufacturing plant closest to the hotel, which was more than 200 km away, as the traces of TMZ found in the vicinity of that plant could not be correlated with the case of the swimmers;
- the difficulty of the searches, given the time that has elapsed, but which nevertheless continued;
- the unsuccessful investigations into a hotel staff member who may have taken TMZ and may have been the source of the contamination;
- details of the concentration of TMZ detected during checks of the hotel's kitchens and seasoning containers & others, which ranged from 0.03 ng/mL to 0.2 ng/mL.

32.- On 28 July 2021, at the initiative of Olivier RABIN, questions were again asked to CHINADA by Marissa SUNIO about the precise location of the traces of TMZ discovered in the carts where the containers of salt, spices, seasoning, etc. were kept. The answers given the next day gave few details. As far as we understand, no trace of TMZ was found inside the containers, nor in the food itself, CHINADA pointing out more than two months had passed and that the containers had necessarily been emptied and refilled.

33.- On July 30, 2021, Olivier RABIN began by noting that the latest information and answers given by CHINADA did not add much to what they already knew. Uncertainties about the source of contamination and the lack of TMZ measurements in a foodstuff made it almost impossible to design a realistic scenario. The results of the calculations he had attempted to perform in order to determine how much exposure to TMZ would have been required to reach 1 to 1.7 ng/mL at excretion resulted only in an estimation of “a few micrograms”, which was not sufficiently precise to confirm or exclude contamination. Olivier Rabin persisted in finding that "a few micrograms" was high for contamination and was surprised that the Chinese had not found, among the kitchen or hotel staff, a person taking TMZ. As he was unable to exclude the contamination scenario in a solidly substantiated manner, he saw no other solution than to accept it, even if he continued to have doubts about the reality of contamination as described by the Chinese authorities. Olivier RABIN reserved the position of Irène MAZZONI.

34.- Finally, on 31 July 2021, Irene MAZZONI, apologizing for the lateness of her response, agreed with Olivier RABIN's analysis, while expressing her difficulty in believing in the contamination due to the minimal doses found in the kitchen, which is moreover outside the food, two months after the competitions, without the origin of TMZ being identified; she nevertheless accepted that WADA did not have a solid argument to affirm that it was not contamination.

From reading the
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, identifying the source and mechanism of contamination seems to be an important but not necessarily decisive element in sustaining a claim of inadvertent exposure:

The establishment of the source of the prohibited substance in an athlete’s sample is not mandated in order to prove an absence of intent. In other words, it is possible to prove – albeit with much difficulty – innocent exposure to prohibited substance in the absence of a credible identification of its source. However, as certitude with respect to the source of contamination decreases, so the athlete’s chances of prevailing depend on a counterbalancing increase of the implausibility of bad motive and negligence. The doping hypothesis must no longer (on a balance of probability) make sense in all the circumstances, and the charge of recklessness must (on a balance of probability) be overcome. This can be proved by any means. Identification of the source is often important (but not in and of itself sufficient), but it is not indispensable.

That WADA and FINA (now World Aquatics) chose not to appeal CHINADA's decision to dismiss the cases without fault does not mean that they were entirely satisfied with that decision or the process by which it was arrived. I don't question that environmental contamination is the most likely explanation for the results that were obtained, and from everything I have read CHINADA's investigations were diligent and extensive and the ultimate decision seems reasonable. My point is that the case not closed in the kind of conclusive manner that would allow one to banish the affair from consideration entirely, rather it seems reasonable that, having recorded no adverse finding against the athletes in question, they would nonetheless be subject to a period of elevated surveillance going forward.
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