And yet the richest countries in the world (based on per capita) remain democracies. Maybe one day China could get to that sort of wealth, but it doesn't mean we'll be poorer.
You mean nations like Qatar, Brunei, Singapore, and the UAE?
Eh? That wasn't being "anti-Beijing", that was fear of what Chinese rule would bring. Besides, don't you think that the ones who left would be the most opposed to change, hence those that stayed behind more willing to give China the benefit of the doubt?
Okay, what? If that's not anti-Beijing, then what is?
And you do realize that those people were free to return to HK? Which is what they did when they realized that Vancouver had no jobs.
Care to name a few?
Is that the best response you can come up with? Seriously?
If you pre-approve all candidates, you can also veto any you don't like.
No, because if Beijing vetoes an elected candidate, it will have to explain to the people of HK why their choice is not acceptable. The political ramifications of that would be enormous.
Let's look at the results shall we? According to the 2011 election for the election committee, there were 852 seats for the pro-Beijing camp and 173 seats for the pro-democracy camp.
Now compare that with say the popular vote in the 2012 legislative elections where the pro-democracy group got just over 56% of the vote.
If the election committee is such a fair system, why does the pro-Beijing group disproportionately do better than when there's an open vote?
Are you serious here? Your first example is a first-past-the-post system while your second example is about popular votes. Two completely different systems about two completely different groups of people. It's like asking why Obama got re-elected but lost both the House and the Senate.
More importantly, your separation of "pro-Beijing" and "pro-democracy" is utterly artificial. There is nothing that says people who voted for a "pro-Beijing" committee candidate wouldn't vote for a "pro-democracy" legislator.
Is that the best you can come up with? Occupy doesn't speak for all of Hong Kong. There have been different methods proposed. Please explain why all of them are a bad idea.
Again, I refer you to the Basic Law. Read it.
The current proposed amendment were drafted based on years of consultation. The amendment clearly states that in case the people of HK do not want this amendment, they can fall back to the existing election process, and a new consultation process will occur with the aim of drafting a new proposal.
That is the due process. Beijing cannot and does not have to debate every single counter-proposal raised by the public.