Most people, people everywhere, are irrational, ignorant and self-interest driven. Even if they're indeed rational, sensible, altruistic, and moral beings, not everyone has the amount of information and/or knowledge required to make policies and govern the country.
All successful governance share one very simple trait: that they do what is right for the country and her people, taking into consideration of all international dynamics and plan for the future, at a time scale of years if not decades. They don't do what is popular with the people, or change policies to cater to the interest of any particular group within the society.
Fundamentally, I do not believe that people have to be given a choice in how they're governed. That's only one of the means towards an end. The ultimate goal is better standard of living for the people.
Someone brought up the example of Singapore. I've been studying and living in Singapore for six years now. I can honestly tell you that Singaporeans do not have a real say in politics, nor do they feel so.
The government recently banned a documentary on how the Communists in Singapore were purged and eradicated from politics by Lee Kwan Yew. The government recently banned children's books in the National Library just because they showed two male penguins loving each other. The government still canes criminals, hangs criminals to death. Gay marriage is illegal. The government still upholds the Internal Security Act which gives it the executive power to detain ANYONE without trials in the court for a certain period of time. The government built two casinos despite huge domestic opposition. The government continues to welcome foreign talents despite increasing xenophobia.
You can't post anti-government comments online. You can't go on a strike because a cabinet Minister heads the nations' "workers' union". You can initiate a "civil disobedience"--like the OC movement, or else the ISA will immediately kick in. You can't even destroy a picture of the Prime Minister, or else you'll be sued and have to pay a huge sum of fine.
You can't vote the party out, because the opposition is simply too weak. Furthermore, gerrymandering is done all the time to ensure the PAP holds on to power.
In many ways the Singaporean government is more authoritarian than the Chinese government. It's just that Singapore is such a small country hardly anyone from the outside world keeps an eye on her domestic politics.
But the Singapore government is one of the most competent in the world. The economy is managed so well, and the city as well. She has one of the highest growth rates among developed nations, one of the lowest crime rates, unemployment rates, drugs, and corruption. Her citizens enjoy one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. Being one of the most densely populated island-state, Singapore's home ownership rate is surprisingly one of the highest in the world. A degree-holder is able to purchase a large government flat within years of graduation, which is impossible to imagine in Hong Kong. She's rated as one of the best places to do business.
All these thanks to a government that does not bow to popular views, keep an iron fist on opposition, ensures stability, and make sure meritocracy is key.