isthvan said:
You misunderstood my point… I did not say that 2-3 improved LA SSN’s could take out entire Chinese sub fleet… That would be plain ignorant and stupid thing for me to say… What I was trying to say is that 2-3 LA’s could penetrate Chinese sub defenses, launch Harpoon’s, and get out…
I have based my assumptions on fact that China would tray to stop US SSNs with modern subs like Yuan’s and Kilo’s (since Ming’s are totally obsolete (and probably are bigger threat to there crews then to any opponents) and Song’s are total disappointment ore else they would not replacing them whit new type only few years after they got operational status)…
Since number of Kilos and Yuan’s is limited and they can’t be all on same place at one time, and since LA’s have better sonar’s, better and more experienced crews and years of experience in tracking Russian subs they have clear advantage over Chinese sub fleet…
Now considering that and assumption that probable engagement would not be 2-3 LA’s vs 14 Kilo’s/ Yuan’s but more like 1 LA vs 1-3 Kilo’s/ Yuan’s in engagement area I still stand behind what I wrote…
Also I have assumed that LA’s only have to get to some 150km from fleet to fire Harpoon’s, and by so they still have cover from US and Taiwanese ASW assets…
Now since this “my subs are better then yours” talk started when I said that Chinese fleet air defenses have to consider sub lunched Harpoons and Migleader said that Kilos would take care of US subs I would like to say that I like everybody else are just stating my opinion but only about that limited part of scenario and nothing else…
Since this is thread about PLAN I would like to suggest that we drop this US vs PLAN talk and return to topic…
The biggest fault in your assumptions will be that China would be on the defensive, so there are no need for them to go too far out of sea. It would be up to US to penetrate the Chinese subs defenses, as an offensive force US need to make the decision rather or not they should attack Chinese subs with limited resources or wait until they gather enough subs to launch an full out assault. There are only one aircraft carrier in the Japan right now, yes they could always get some reenforcement from Guam. But it would not be enough for them, consider that the second and third aircraft carriers will be a week or two away, let along the others will probably take months.
I think it would be rather risky for 2-3 LA SSN to penetrate Chinese defenses and launch Harpoon and get out, it would be unwise to chart into unfriendly territories with many unknown enemies waiting to strike at you. Yeah, US would probably have many sucess attempts, and quick capable of destroy many Chinese subs and warhips. But even if China manage to take out a few of LA SSn, it would come as a big blown to US. US just can't afford to lose subs in this early days of conflict, it would be a psychiatric blow to soilders moral. And if SSN conduct mission too far away from ASW protection, it would be quick dangerous. I knew that you said that SSN could be operate at 150KM from the fleet, but do you think that is always possible. Chinese subs would also operate under the protection of Chinese warships and cruise missiles at land. You might have forget Chinese are quick capable to hit things over 300km away, as long as Chinese subs don't go out of reach. And I do think that China would make the subs stay and hidden in some location and wait for the enemies, rather risk the Subs to attack US' SSN. They knew their enemies are more capable, so it would be stupid for them to do the offensive.
I agreed that we should stay on topic, it would be pointless for us to do debate like this. We don't need any more"my subs is better than you" debate, but I would make it clearly that US' LA SSNs are better than Chinese Yuans and Kilos. Just that I don't agree that Yuan and Kilos could be easily take care of. If Yuan and Kilos are use wisely, it would be as much as a threat to US than US'SSN to the Chinese.
What sort of "magic bullet" does the PLAN have reguading "ASW" against any US sub? All I've ever read in this forum is that the ASW capablity of the PLAN lags behind many nations. I even stated myself that if I were the CNO of the PLAN that improving ASW would be my number one priorty.
My opinions are based on my 20 years of experience while serving on active duty in the USN. Also my discussions with my son who is an active duty sonar tech with 8 years experience. He is an instructor of advanced surface sonar technology at the ASW base in San Diego. And my discussions with several defense technical professionals that I have know ..some for more than 20 years.
Oh by the way...war sucks....
Hi Popeye
I had read the report about USN able to track diesel Subs, and I do believe that USN are quick capable to do so. But we can't take the reports as a facts, we just don't know enough to say that USN could track every kind of diesel subs in Chinese Navy. It would take a War to find out who is better and what is capable of, but do we really want a War. Maybe we should let US navy and Chinese navy conduct a full scale exercise to find out some of our answers(like it would be happen in a million years), but in the meantime it would be anyone guess.
I agreed that Chinese ASW are weak, and there are nothing China could do except using Subs against Subs for this scenario. Which bring back the same question, can a diesel subs defeated a SSNs. There are no arguement that USN ssn are way better than Yuan or Kilo, but could we make the assumptions that the outcome would be so one side. As much as we knew War was never really predictable, and surely China is powerful enough to make any outcome of war with US unknown.
I am not here to question your experience and knowledge, but I would want to point out that China couldn't underestimate also. We don't know how much progress Chinese had made in this few years both in training and weapon develpment, of course China is still far behind US. But I will question how capable of US able to track diesel, as much as how capable Chinese Navy is.