North Korea Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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A pretty good analysis of North Korea's gas turbine engines by a Chinese author:
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The article is a bit flattering, but I think it's worth a look.

I read the article, but if the automatic translator did its job well, I think the author made mistakes in identifying the engines presented.
The marine diesel engine is absolutely not a Zvezda M507,
M507 consists of two M504 radial engines joined by a common gearbox.
I was writing radial engine therefore completely different from the one shown by Kim Jong-un, which incidentally had already been presented in the past (2016) which showed that the cylinders are in a different configuration, very similar to the MTU-16V 165 TE



furthermore, during the same visit he was also presented with a smaller diesel engine (I always think for naval uses) and with cylinders in a V configuration


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Instead as regards the naval gas turbine,
I disagree with what is stated in the article, because it seems to closely resemble the ex Soviet DT-59,


which incidentally were also installed on the Krivak class frigates, one of which was purchased for scrap in the early 1990s together with Golf and Foxtrot class submarines .
Krivak class frigate which for a long period was subjected to work at a shipyard in Namp'o, and then disappeared from satellites, last photo December 2004,
Screenshot (398).png
it is then said to have actually been scrapped after having recovered everything that was of interest.
Given the photo, the gas turbines were also recovered, which they could then have repaired or used for reverse engineering to build new ones

Valiant 1002

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Google Translate:

"...Although this type of naval gas turbine seems to have not yet been finalized and is still in the research and development stage. After all, judging from the photos, many of its installation boxes are not closed yet.

But since they have built a gas turbine, there must be a target for shipboard installation. It is impossible to build a gas turbine without a target for shipboard installation. Therefore, we can expect that North Korea may actually build a 6,000-ton large frigate or even a destroyer in the near future.

We can even look forward to the exchange of technologies between North Korea and Iran, Russia and other countries to develop regional air defense ships equipped with active phased array radars and UKSK-S vertical launch systems..."

Sounds very interesting if it comes true... if the North Koreans are capable of solving problems other than ship engines like weapons and sensors suitable for such a large ship.

And even so, trying to invest in a fleet of surface ships against an opponent with overwhelming naval superiority like the US and South Korea seems uneconomical and disproportionate.


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this turret does not seem to have stealth characteristics like the one installed on the Tunan class frigate, it resembles a classic dome of the first Oto Melara 76/62 Compact, but if it is not an optical illusion it seems to be narrower but higher.