North Korea Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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From public data the DPRK does not have the L-39, but yes, it could also be a trainer, however from these images it seems that it is twin-engined, who knows maybe they have created a training aircraft/COIN, something that could resemble the Mig/ AT or at Yasin and as a turbojet we could hypothesize the RD-9/WP-6 which is indicated as produced in DPRK , which for the trainer would be sufficient in the version without afterburner.
Well some wiki got errors... probably mixed South and North Korea.

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Well some wiki got errors... probably mixed South and North Korea.

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in the link you published it indicates 60 L-39,
in this one 12,
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then if you look at this one dedicated to the DPRK, no L-39 is listed.
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On the other hand, I have never seen L-39 with DPRK emblems.
if you have photos of North Korean L-39s, I would appreciate it if you could post them here.


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in the link you published it indicates 60 L-39,
in this one 12,
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then if you look at this one dedicated to the DPRK, no L-39 is listed.
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On the other hand, I have never seen L-39 with DPRK emblems.
if you have photos of North Korean L-39s, I would appreciate it if you could post them here.
Clearly don't know, never seen one either in north Korea colors. Just strange that it is listed somewhere. It was in relation of odd straight wings aircrafts on tarmac in other posts.


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Furthermore, in the recent past they have made/assembled Mig-29s in their aircraft factory, so they could simply resume work (even if some say it was never stopped) to assemble new batches of Mig-29s.
Then there could be help for a possible nationally produced aircraft which could be that single-jet engine immortalized in this famous satellite photo, but in this image some have also noticed structural differences in the SU-25s, and for example some have wings with a very low angle of inclination that are almost straight (red circle). and here again the assumptions are different from being fake aircraft as well as a simplified North Korean variant of the SU-25.
View attachment 120123
What is certain, these images have aroused enormous curiosity.

There is no way those are "simplified Su-25s with different wings". That's not how aircraft design and manufacturing works. The basic airframe is not at all hard to build, it is just sheet metal bent and cut to shape. Designing a new wing is the most complex option you could come up with, the simplest option would be to build the exact same wing. The air intakes look completely off for an Su-25 anyway.

It could be a different aircraft, mock-up or image quality. Partially disassembled for maintenance or due to accidents is another. Or covers draped over the wings, obscuring the shape somehow. IMO, the way they are bunched up with missing details like this suggests to me they are at a depot being cannibalized for spares and/or waiting for an overhaul. The one to the left could be the partial remains of a MiG-29 wreck. Someone mentioned the L-39, which I would agree with, and add that some also match the L-29. North Korea isn't really listed as an operator of those in common sources, but both would be easy to source on the private/black market via Russia.


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First images of North Korean 152mm artillery rounds at the Russian frontline:
View attachment 120405
from those photos how can you say that they are on the Russian front?
it is known that the DPRK has been exporting its weapons and ammunition to various states in Africa and Asia for years, and as with the Iranian ones, there have been cases of seizures, therefore only if there are images from the battlefield will it be possible to ascertain who actually owned them uses.
In the Russian/Ukrainian conflict both use that type of ammunition caliber.